group and privat account

i'm not sure i chose the right category for this:
i have 2 accounts, a private one, and one to work with a group,a coopration that should finish existing next year. the plan is then to somehow separate so that every partner still has his access to the group library (and can continue working on it, but separately).
now i have several questions:
my private library appears also when i open the group account. can i delete it presently to free storage place for the group or will it disappear then on my other account too?
when the group will be separated, would it be possible to transform the partner's version into a standalone version, so that tey don't have to pay eternally?
when i open zotero logging in with my private account name, what will happen? will it sinc just the things i changed in my private library using the group account?
thank you
  • "My Library" is private and my "My Library" of user A is not visible for user B, so your questions is a bit confusing.

    You cannot delete "My Library" entirely, but you can purge the files from the server so it does not take any storage space using the Zotero preferences.

    Only the owner of a group library pays for the storage space, not other members of the group. If you discontinue your Zotero storage subscription, the files will remain on your computer, but you lose the ability to synchronize accross computers.
  • well, if i am "in" the zotero database (after having clicked on the icon zotero) i see everything.
    but it seems difficult to explain better what i mean. i have 2 different password, meaning 2 different accounts. right now, i want to have my private library on one account, and my group library on the other, so as to save storage room on the group account. in fact i don't want to purge anything. after separation from my partner, i want him to be able to work on his version in zotero standalone. as i have only worked with zotero on firefox, i don't know the standalone system.
  • 1 Are you asking how to move records in the group library to your personal library?

    2 Are you asking how to (after separation) create a new group library that contains a subset of the articles from the existing library?
  • You need to describe your problem more clearly so that there is no need to guess what you are trying to do.

    Please read the documentation about groups

    Am I correct to state that you have to accounts (2 "My libraries") and one group library that you share among these two accounts? By seeing everything do you mean that you see two copies of my library and one group library? (This should not be possible)

    Zotero for Firefox and Zotero Standalone are basically the same.
  • i'm sorry, but i tried already twice, perhaps my english is not good enough. also i read the documentation, but because it is not clear to my, i asked these questions.
    i have two accounts: one with username renee.wagener,the other one with username rewa. the account renee.wagener is the one i normally work with. and i have my groups on that one. on the the other one, there is just my private library. i have stopped using rewa. when i work (username renee.wagener) in zotero (opening database by clicking on zotero icon in the right corner of firefox), i see both "my library" and "group libraries", which is okbut i have 2 questions:
    - when i click on zotero, settings, storage: it also shows both libraries, and calculates a total of that. but i want to be able to pay for my private library separately from my group lbrary. my idea was to use the username rewa for my private library. can i do that and how?
    - after separation from my partner, i want to have what is now in "group libraries" in my private library. and the partner should be able to use the database for his own purposes, with a standalone version.

    i hope this is clearer...
  • - when i click on zotero, settings, storage: it also shows both libraries, and calculates a total of that. but i want to be able to pay for my private library separately from my group lbrary. my idea was to use the username rewa for my private library. can i do that and how?
    As the owner of a group, you can transfer ownership - go to the group page on the Zotero webpage and the option is, I believe, on the right.
    after separation from my partner, i want to have what is now in "group libraries" in my private library. and the partner should be able to use the database for his own purposes, with a standalone version.
    You just need to drag the collections over from the group to the private library.
  • perhaps my english is not good enough
    What's your native language? If you feel you're being held back by your limited command of English, know that we can support users in quite a broad range of languages, including French, German, Spanish, and Dutch.
  • (though your English sounds fine to me - it's just easy to underestimate how hard it is for people who don't see what you're seeing to make sense of a description).
  • yes, it would be easier if there was a kind of remote desktop system.
    so i can also put my question in this forum in german?
  • kein Problem, ja.
  • ok, dann also nochmal auf deutsch:
    ich habe 2 verschiedene accounts bei zotero, mit 2 verschiedenen usernamen. den einen, (username rewa) habe ich für meine private bibliothek, den anderen (username renee.wagener) für eine kooperation mit einem partner. zurzeit benutze ich den ersten account nicht, da ich auf renee.wagener ja auch sowohl auf "meine bibliothek" wie auf "group library" habe, die ich mit dem partner teile.
    ich möchte nun aber "meine bibliothek" wieder auf meinem ersten account (rewa) verwalten (wo auch noch eine alte version von "meine bibliothek" steht), und bei renee.wagener löschen, um dort mehr platz für storage zu haben.
    ab nächstem jahr soll die partnerschaft enden, und jeder partner soll getrennt zugang zu der heutigen "group library" haben.
    wie soll ich vorgehen, und was wird passieren, wenn ich den account "rewa" öffne? wird er die gesamte datenbank syncen (mit group library), was ich zurzeit nicht will? wird er nur "meine bibliothek" syncen?
  • Es ist nicht ganz trivial eine Bibliothek zu einem Account zu transferieren, die Gruppe aber nicht.

    Fangen wir mal mit Rewa an:
    Das einfachste wird sein die Gruppe mit zu synchronisieren (oder die Bibliothek komplett manuell rüberzuholen: und dann evt. zu verlassen (auf in der Gruppenansicht rechts).

    Für die Group library s.o. - ich glaube nicht, dass es eine einfachere Möglichkeit gibt als die Inhalte der Group einfach rüberzuziehen.
  • ok, vielen dank, das hilft mir weiter!
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