APA Second Reference - Suppress Multiple Authors
I was wondering if Zotero can automatically suppress the secondary authors when using a in-text citation. I believe that is what the APA sytle calls for. If not, should I delete them in Word or in Edit Citation. Thanks for any help. I am new to Zotero and it is a life-saver but I had trouble with this particular issue.
The next step would be to try this in a minimal document to rule out that something else is interfering - start a new document and just insert the same reference twice.
As an example of what the APA style is programmed to do:
First citation:
(Acemoglu, Johnson, Robinson, & Yared, 2005)
All subsequent citations of the same item:
(Acemoglu et al., 2005)
If I shift-drag over from Zotero to Word, it does not work as I would expected.
If you use the Zotero toolbar in Word, it will work if you choose the "cited" option and not the "my library" option.
And yes, shift+drag won't work - that simply uses the clipboard, Zotero has no way of knowing whether this is a first or subsequent citation.