MHRA multiple texts by same author in footnotes

I am using MHRA (note with bibliography) for my thesis and have noticed that citations of more than one work by the same author do not include a short title in the footnotes. Only the author's surname is included so it is not possible to distinguish the various works.

In a previous discussion (16th Dec 2011 ) it was suggested that zotero does this. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
  • sorry - looks like you never got a reply to this: Yes, Zotero should do that. Make sure you have the most recent version of the style (re-install from the repository) and then provide examples of when this doesn't work.
  • Thanks for your reply. I am now using the most recent version of MHRA (with bibliography) dated 10/6/12.

    The first citations look like this:

    Howard S. Becker, Art Worlds (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008)

    Howard S. Becker, ‘Art As Collective Action’, American Sociological Review, 39 (1974), 767–776

    but the second time I cite them they are as follows:


    Becker, 767-776

    So the page numbers become the only difference.

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    Thank you
  • I'll have a looks, thanks.
  • Hi,

    I'm also trying to use MHRA with bibliography to write my thesis, and am having the same problem. Specifically, however, Zotero seems to provide a way of distinguishing between books by the same author - it uses the short title - but not between journal articles or book chapters. It'd be great if you could look at this.
    Thank you,
  • ah that could be helpful. I should get to this in the next week.
  • I believe I should have this fixed now - a new version of the style will show up on the repository within 30mins - update your local copy of the style by re-installing it from the repository.

    Within a document you may need to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect. There may still be some situations that Zotero can't handle properly, but for most cases this should now work correctly.
  • Thanks so much for this! I have had a look at one of my chapters after updating this and it seems to have fixed the problems I was having. Thank you!!!!!!
  • Just wanted to say thanks for the fix. Had been struggling with a similar issue when referencing newspaper articles and this has sorted it out perfectly. Is there a way of automatically updating styles to make sure that any further patches are added (in either Standalone or Zotero for Firefox)?
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