[Style request] Issue with ISO-690
Dear All,
As a relatively new Zotero user (with LibreOffice, I am looking for an all-purpose citation style, and am willing to use a ISO-690 based style. In order to do so, I have downloaded Laure Melliflou et al.’s author-date ISO-690 csl sheet, and tried to modify it. Unfortunately, because I am not competent in editing csl sheets, the result is quite poor and I need some help.
In particular, I want author’s or substitute’s (editor etc.) surname appear in small-caps in the bibliography; the references should appear as: (Anderson 2010: 83; Bohman 1997: 324, 2000: 175; Nussbaum 2011a, 2011b; Putnam & Walsh 2011), that is: (1) alphabetical order, (2) year-date order, (3) title order, with separators as shown.
The bibliography should appear as (with CAPS being replaced by small-caps; commentaries in {brackets} should not appear):
{Book chapter}
{author}ANDERSON Elizabeth. {year}2010: {title}Justifying the capabilities approach, in BRIGHOUSE Harry and ROBEYNS Ingrid (eds), {booktitle:italic}Measuring Justice{!italic}, {publisher-place}Cambridge: {publisher}Cambridge University Press.
{author}BOHMAN James. {year}2000: {title:italic}Public Deliberation{!italic}, {publisher-place}Cambridge (MA): {publisher}MIT Press.
{author}NUSSBAUM Martha C. {year}2011: {title}Capabilities, Entitlements, and Rights: Supplementation and Critique, {journaltitle:italic}Journal of Human Development and Capabilities {issue}{vol}12{num}(1){!issue}: {pages}23-37.
{subsequent-author-substitute}— 2011b: {italic}Creating Capabilities{!italic}, Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.
{Edited book}
PUTNAM Hilary & WALSH Vivian (eds). 2011: {italic}The End of Value-Free Economics{!italic}, London: Routledge.
Generally speaking:
{book}AUTHOR Given. 9999: {italic}Title{!italic}, Publisher-place: Publisher.
{edited book}
EDITOR Given, EDITOR Given & EDITOR Given. 9999: (etc.)
{article-journal}AUTHOR Given. 9999: Title, {italic}Publication{!italic} 99(9): 111-999.
{book chapter}AUTHOR Given. 9999: Title, in EDITOR Given (ed) {italic}Booktitle{!italic}, Publisher-place: Publisher.
(I shall not use other types of entries.)
Author’s given name should be followed by one period, even in cases where it ends with a period (e.g. Martha C., not Martha C..). Pages should be indicated without p. or pp. The (eds) mention should be senstive to language settings: when I write in French, I want it replaced by (dir.), which means "sous la direction de" and stands for "edited by". The "and" should appear as "&". There should be no separator (,) before last name of a list, e.g. "COMIM Flavio, QIZILBASH Mozaffar & ALKIRE Sabina". The mention "et al." should appear in italic in in-text citations, beginning with 3 co-authors/co-editors: (Comim et al. 2010), but all contributors should appear in the bibliography. Finally, the bibliography entries should be single spaced.
Thanks to all,
Pierre C.
As a relatively new Zotero user (with LibreOffice, I am looking for an all-purpose citation style, and am willing to use a ISO-690 based style. In order to do so, I have downloaded Laure Melliflou et al.’s author-date ISO-690 csl sheet, and tried to modify it. Unfortunately, because I am not competent in editing csl sheets, the result is quite poor and I need some help.
In particular, I want author’s or substitute’s (editor etc.) surname appear in small-caps in the bibliography; the references should appear as: (Anderson 2010: 83; Bohman 1997: 324, 2000: 175; Nussbaum 2011a, 2011b; Putnam & Walsh 2011), that is: (1) alphabetical order, (2) year-date order, (3) title order, with separators as shown.
The bibliography should appear as (with CAPS being replaced by small-caps; commentaries in {brackets} should not appear):
{Book chapter}
{author}ANDERSON Elizabeth. {year}2010: {title}Justifying the capabilities approach, in BRIGHOUSE Harry and ROBEYNS Ingrid (eds), {booktitle:italic}Measuring Justice{!italic}, {publisher-place}Cambridge: {publisher}Cambridge University Press.
{author}BOHMAN James. {year}2000: {title:italic}Public Deliberation{!italic}, {publisher-place}Cambridge (MA): {publisher}MIT Press.
{author}NUSSBAUM Martha C. {year}2011: {title}Capabilities, Entitlements, and Rights: Supplementation and Critique, {journaltitle:italic}Journal of Human Development and Capabilities {issue}{vol}12{num}(1){!issue}: {pages}23-37.
{subsequent-author-substitute}— 2011b: {italic}Creating Capabilities{!italic}, Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press.
{Edited book}
PUTNAM Hilary & WALSH Vivian (eds). 2011: {italic}The End of Value-Free Economics{!italic}, London: Routledge.
Generally speaking:
{book}AUTHOR Given. 9999: {italic}Title{!italic}, Publisher-place: Publisher.
{edited book}
EDITOR Given, EDITOR Given & EDITOR Given. 9999: (etc.)
{article-journal}AUTHOR Given. 9999: Title, {italic}Publication{!italic} 99(9): 111-999.
{book chapter}AUTHOR Given. 9999: Title, in EDITOR Given (ed) {italic}Booktitle{!italic}, Publisher-place: Publisher.
(I shall not use other types of entries.)
Author’s given name should be followed by one period, even in cases where it ends with a period (e.g. Martha C., not Martha C..). Pages should be indicated without p. or pp. The (eds) mention should be senstive to language settings: when I write in French, I want it replaced by (dir.), which means "sous la direction de" and stands for "edited by". The "and" should appear as "&". There should be no separator (,) before last name of a list, e.g. "COMIM Flavio, QIZILBASH Mozaffar & ALKIRE Sabina". The mention "et al." should appear in italic in in-text citations, beginning with 3 co-authors/co-editors: (Comim et al. 2010), but all contributors should appear in the bibliography. Finally, the bibliography entries should be single spaced.
Thanks to all,
Pierre C.
Unfortunately we don't really have the time to work with users on their custom styles, though I'd be happy to answer specific questions.
There is no way to have a citation style adapt to the language you're writing in. You'd need two different versions of the style (or switch the locale you're using).
I still have a (quite stupid, I guess) problem. Though I have managed to get a rather correct all-purpose style, I am confronted with some kind of "infection" with "chapter/container-title". I want the chapter’s title in roman (font-style="normal"), and the container (i.e. the book) in italic. The problem is that, when I put container-title font-style="italic", it "infects" the items after it, i.e. publisher-place and edition, and even the next entry, is in italic. This is really annoying.
Here is the problematic piece of my csl sheet:
<macro name="title">
<if type="book thesis map motion_picture song manuscript" match="any">
<text variable="title" font-style="italic"/>
<else-if type="chapter" match="any">
<text variable="title" form="long" suffix=", "/>
<text term="in" form="long" plural="false" suffix=" "/>
<if variable="container-author editor translator" match="any">
<text macro="container-responsability"/>
<if variable="container-title event" match="any">
<text value=", "/>
<if variable="container-title">
<text variable="container-title" form="long" font-style="italic"/> {Here lies the problem.}
Yours and thanks to all,
Pierre C.
Don't post it here, though - post as a public gist to gist.github.com or to pastebin.com and provide a link here.
It should be noted that, except this particular problem, the style is working (I just need to suppress the dot after subsequent-author-substitute). It is correctly recognized and accepted by the plug-in for LibreOffice.
However, I am sorry I cause a waste of time.
Otherwise this should work, though - how does the preview look in the online editor?
How about in the Zotero test pane? http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/reference_test_pane
The preview looks just like I want it to look, both on the online editor and on the test pane: there is an issue only in LibreOffice, and only after "chapter" entries in my bibliography.
This problem was already present with the original csl sheet (the main modifications I made were: to suppress display="block", to set entry-spacing="0", subsequent-author-substitute="-", some modifications regarding punctuation, and replacing capitalizing by small-caps for author first name).
The last thing I have to do is to suppress the dot after the dash when subsequent-author-substitute applies. Compared to the above, I guess this is quite easy.