Using foreign characters - carons
Zotero seems to reject an author name if it has a caron in it. If I paste such a name directly into the author field, it is automatically deleted when I hit tab to move on. And when importing RIS files the caron is converted to an umlaut. By the way, a caron looks like a very small "v" on top of a letter and appears in some Eastern European names.
Regards, Jon.,8620177,8620202,7572220,7572190,8534168,8488369,7572040,8097016,7572110,7895629,8083946,8289867,7178976,10510111,6779027,6481130,6708385,6361093,6072401&count=17&counter=4&anzeige=cc%3DNF_1280+&treffer=236&offset=1&Aktion=S&VomOLAF=0&links=1&gk=
This page loads into Zotero a lot of items, but the spezial German Umlaute like Ä or Ü were only shown as a "black?" - I DO need howerver the German Umlauts...
What's wrong?????
(Technical explanation: The RIS files on that site are encoded in the original, old IBM850 character set specified by the RIS specification but generally not used anymore. Zotero's RIS translator still uses that character set for files imported from disk, so importing that way will work. The site doesn't provide a character set with the file, though, so it'd be hard for Zotero to guess it correctly via the translator, and even Firefox's built-in character set detection doesn't get it right. There's a ticket to improve Zotero's RIS character set support, but there are some tricky issues that would have to be solved first.)