How do I enter "Translated from" material?

How would I enter the following citation into the proper fields in Zotero?

Schmitz, Carl. Wantoat: Art and Religion of the Northeast New Guinean Papuans. Trans. from the German by G.E. van Baaren-Pape. Art in Its Context: Studies in Ethno-Aesthetics. Melbourne and Paris: Paul Flesch & Co., and Mouton & Co., 1963.

I know how to enter a standard citation. What I can't figure out is how to handle the "Trans. from" material.
  • You can't enter a translated from language currently. I'm not aware of a viable workaround, either.
    You know how to input the translator, right? (Add another author, click on the little arrow to his/her left, change the role to translator).
  • Thanks, Adam. This is helpful feedback.
  • edited January 16, 2013
    I’d need the "translated from" option, too.

    I see that CSL has the variables for original-date, original-publisher, original-publisher-place, original-title, even original-author, but not original-language. Any plans to add original-language to CSL, and all of them to Zotero?
  • edited January 16, 2013
    yes, those will definitely make it into Zotero eventually.

    edit: oh, not sure about original language, is that really used?
  • Yes. That is (Cf. ).
  • right, but that's language vs. original language for a translated work. I see it's used in the example above, but it strikes me as superfluous in most contexts?
  • I'm a bit confused but I think you're right (You can read spanish, I can't:

    But as I wrote in the other thread: "It's not unusual in France to indicate the source-language or the target-language in a bibliography ("translated from Russian by xxx")."
  • I agree, "translated from X by Y" is not uncommon. It's explicitly recommended in the "Harvard" style described in

    Also, the Chicago Manual has one case where the original language is required, see 16e, 14.110.
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