bibliography ordered by date


Is it possible to sort bibliography by date? I mean date as the primary criterion, not publications of the same author ordered by date.
I did some search on this forum but I only found some replies concerning reports, not bibliography.

I use Chigago full note, but if is possible with any other style, pleae let me know.

  • I don't think a chronological style exists on the repository, but it's not terribly hard to do.
    Generally, see here:

    specifically, you would want to modify the sort section of the bibliography section. Currently you have
    <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7" subsequent-author-substitute="———" entry-spacing="0">
    <key macro="contributors-sort"/>
    <key variable="title"/>
    <key variable="genre"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>

    You will want to move issued to the beginning of the sort keys, i.e.

    <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7" subsequent-author-substitute="———" entry-spacing="0">
    <key variable="issued"/>
    <key macro="contributors-sort"/>
    <key variable="title"/>
    <key variable="genre"/>

    that's all. If you use the online csleditor linked to at the top of that page it'll help you rename the style and getting it back into Zotero.
  • edited August 17, 2012
    Thank you. So, if I uderstand properly, I can determine other "sequence of criteria", ie have all entries first sorted according to issue date and then, within each year, according to contributor's name and so on? And what is "genre"? Is it the type of document (ie book, article from periodical, legal case etc)? So, is it possible to automatically sort all cases/books/articles, then, within those categories, have all sorted accoring to date (or year)?
  • Thank you. So, if I uderstand properly, I can determine other "sequence of criteria", ie have all entries first sorted according to issue date and then, within each year, according to contributor's name and so on?
    And what is "genre"? Is it the type of document (ie book, article from periodical, legal case etc)?
    not quite. It's a field that only exists for some item types - in Zotero it is often the field "Type" (e.g. for report and thesis).
    Sorting by item type is a bit more involved, here is a thread which also includes a link to a blogpost on this:
    So, is it possible to automatically sort all cases/books/articles, then, within those categories, have all sorted accoring to date (or year)?
    as per above - yes, but it requires a little bit of legwork.
  • edited August 17, 2012

    I actually have something like this in Zotero Reference Test pane (when I choose Chicago Full Note from drop-down menu, before any edits):

    <bibliography hanging-indent="true" et-al-min="11" et-al-use-first="7" subsequent-author-substitute="———" entry-spacing="0">
    <key macro="sort-key"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>
    <layout suffix=".">
    <group delimiter=". ">
    <text macro="contributors"/>
    <text macro="title"/>
    <text macro="description"/>
    <text macro="secondary-contributors"/>
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="container-title"/>
    <text macro="container-contributors"/>
    <text macro="locators-chapter"/>
    <text macro="locators"/>
    <text macro="collection-title" prefix=". "/>
    <text macro="issue"/>
    <text macro="locators-newspaper" prefix=", "/>
    <text macro="locators-journal"/>
    <text macro="access" prefix=". "/>

    And the result is something like this:
    Auby, Jean-Bernard. „The EU and Global Administrative Law”. W The European Union Legal Order after Lisbon, zredagowane przez Patrick Birkinshaw i Mike Varney. Alphen aan den Rijn, 2010.
    Bast, Jürgen. „Legal Instruments”. W Principles of European Constitutional Law, zredagowane przez Armin von Bogdandy i Jürgen Bast. Oxford, 2006.
    Burton, S. J. „Particularism, Discretion and the Rule of Law”. W The Rule of Law, zredagowane przez I. Shapiro. New York, 1994.
    Caranta, Roberto. „On Discretion”. W The Coherence of EU Law. The Search for Unity in Divergent Concepts, zredagowane przez Sacha Prechal i Bert van Roermund. Oxford, b.d.

    I do not like it very much, because of (not to mention the main question of chronological sorting):
    - capitalised "W" ("IN") instead of "w", or even better: "[w:]" or "w:",
    - mysterious "b.d" (I do not know, what it means... no data or something?) Can I make it disappear even if I do not input this data?
    - "zredagowane przez" ("edited by")- this does not go well with the followng names, since in Polish the names should be in accusativus, not in nominativus. It would be best to leave names as they are, and substitute "zredagowane przez" with "red.".

    I understand of course, that this problems are not really connected to the original question, but maybe you could give me a hint?
  • you have an old version of the style then. Update it by re-installing from the style repository.
  • Thank you, now it worked fine.

    Do you have any suggestions as to the other questions in my previous post (you replied before I saved changes to my last post)?
  • The "W" ("In" in English) is set in this part:
    <macro name="container-title">
    <if type="chapter paper-conference" match="any">
    <text term="in" text-case="capitalize-first" suffix=" "/>

    you can lowercase it by removing
    text-case="capitalize-first" and include brackets, colons, etc. using prefix and suffix (e.g. prefix="[" suffix=":] ")

    b.d. is the short version for no date (n.d. in English) and appears for items w/o a date. It _can_ be changed with a bit of a hassle, but why would you want that?

    The edited by term is set in the Polish locale - we're always looking for improvements:
    Option A here:
    also applies for locales..
  • edited August 25, 2012

    Thank you for the reply.

    As regards "no date" and why should I like to remove it - in cases when I refer to rulings of the Court of Justice of the European Union I had to work out my own "style" (or rather "workaround"), in which I include the date in "author" field (which might sound strange, but I did not have much time and I found it less time consuming to do it this way, than to learn how to edit my own style). The result is that there is a date in the footnote, so "n.d." is not neccessary. But I hope I can remove it in word processor in the final version without much effort (by find/replace), so probably I won't attempt to make any changes to the style.

    Regarding Polish translation - it is fine, except that the full version ("zredagowane przez"="edited by" does not accord with editor's name, which follows in nominativus; if his name is, for instance, "Adam Smith" the result should be "zredagowane przez Adama Smitha", not "zredagowane przez Adam Smith"). But I presume that changing the name form is pretty hard, so substituting "zredagowane przez" (full form) with "red." (short form) would be enough.
  • Thanks - if Rintze stops by I'd be curious what he thinks about the edited by term. He's thought about such issues more than me - Polish isn't the only language with that "problem."
  • You Poles sure know how to make things complicated. :)

    I doubt that we will soon include support for modifying names based on declension in CSL, if ever. So, just to make certain, you're saying that "red. Adam Smith" is correct in Polish, but that the unabbreviated "zredagowane przez" should be accompanied by an "a" after "Adama Smith"? (resulting in "zredagowane przez Adama Smitha")
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