put notes in order

Another feature that's very un-intuitive is that when you print a report on an article, all the notes you've entered are printed in reverse order, from the most recent entry to the first entry. There should be a way to put them in order... I notice that sorting the files (in the center pane) by "date added" does not work.
  • Problems with sorting of notes in reports are fixed in the latest dev builds (and will be fixed in 1.0.5, which should be out very soon).

  • I think my request is related to this one (??). I'm taking notes on a book. I start each note with the page number. They are automatically sorted into a non-numerical order, filed under the first digit. So 151 goes underneath 15, rather than after 149. Is there some way to change this?
  • edited June 3, 2008
    add leading zeroes: 001, 015, 151.
  • They are automatically sorted into a non-numerical order, filed under the first digit. So 151 goes underneath 15, rather than after 149
    This is a separate issue, unfortunately, and is a result of the difference between how computers generally sort numbers and how humans do.

    I'll create a ticket, but I don't know when we'll get to it. Using leading zeroes is a good workaround in the meantime.
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