Error message

The system worked fine for a while but now I get the "An error occurred communicating with Zotero" message.

Am using Windows XP and Office 2003.

I have installed or reinstalled the latest version of the MS Word plug-in and of the Zotero add-on. Using most recent version of Firefox 2.

Sent report number 849205372
  • Thanks. You're getting this error:
    [JavaScript Error: "item.setProperty is not a function" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/integration.js" line: 1039}]
    Is this in all documents, or just some? If just some, can you send an example document to
  • No, actually it only happens with some documents. I will email you a copy of a doc that produces the error message. Thanks!
  • Looks like there's a bug that causes an error when a bibliography with customized entries contains a reference that no longer exists in Zotero.

    Ticket created. Until this is fixed, you should be able to just delete the bibliography and regenerate it. Thanks.
  • Fixed in the latest dev build.
This discussion has been closed.