text search "notes"!
it would be so awesome if i could use the "find" feature _within_ the text of my notes. the coolest would be if the text string that i type into the search box up top made any instance of that string in the body of my note (or any other "object" i select, for that matter) to be highlighted (like in Word).
i have lots of _long_ notes that i'm constantly scanning for the text string that i know is in there somewhere...
i have lots of _long_ notes that i'm constantly scanning for the text string that i know is in there somewhere...
[1] http://www.tinymce.com
[2] http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tinymce-advanced/
Thus, there must be a good reason for not adding this plugin to zotero.
The only reason I can imagine is that the searchreplace plugin opens a new window whereas a lighter solution is preferred (ctrl+f in firefox opens a bar at the bottom). But the searchreplace plugin would be better than nothing (or the non-user friendly "HTML button", etc.)
Any comment from the developpers?
edit: Workaround found, but untested
Zotero use tinyMCE 3.5.7, which is available for download here (https://github.com/tinymce/tinymce/releases/tag/3.5.7).
To check what version of tinyMCE you require, follow this guide (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/8784/howto-enable-additional-tinymce-note-editor-functionality/).
Other versions of tinyMCE are available for download on the github/tinymce>Releases page.
I ran into trouble around Step 3 of the guide because I don't know how to 'merge' the code using a GUI system. If anyone could help me do this just using the standard Windows explorer, I'd greatly appreciate it.
If you really want to do it, just copy the relevant TinyMCE files into the relevant directory of your unzipped zotero.jar (step 3) and edit the relevant files with a text editor (notepad++, for example ; not notepad!). These files are in your unzipped zotero.jar… (step 4).
But **if you don't understand what you're doing, please don't do that.**
There's a workaround for Zotero for Firefox : https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/11149/search-function-within-notes/?Focus=53842#Comment_53842
Unfortunately, this workaround doesn't work in Standalone… (Dan, is it possible to fix that ? that would be great…)
When this hacking of zotero.jar was raised in other discussions the advice I had was not to hack zotero.jar but instead to rebuild standalone from the github source (after editing the TinyMCE code).
Would be great to update the TinyMCE and add search/replace feature!
I'm already installing the beta
PS: Unfortunately in the new version they add the "search and replace" function but now is impossible to paste picture inside notes.
Just install "searchwp" -addon for Firefox.
This ingenious little plugin let's you highlight and jump to words that you've entered into the search bar in Firefox (I mean the little bar on top besides the navigation bar that let's you choose from different search engines, so the internal Firefox search function, which is deactivated in the zotero tab, is not needed for this).
Highlighting in different colors and jumping to words works perfectly within the notes created with Zotero. Even with long notes where scrolling is necessary.