NAME (YEAR) - Style of Footnote?


I'm new and I'm wondering, how I can find Styles which are working with Footnotes and look like: ???

End of Paper
3 Simon, László M. (1987): s.30.
4 Darwin, Charles (1859): s.55f.

It would be enough, if it inserts me the Name and the Year and I can put the right Sidenumber behind it myself.
If somebody knews such a style, please tell me!
Thanks for your Help!
  • Doesn't exist.
    The closest there is is the International Organization style, but it doesn't include first names and doesn't put years in parentheses.

    If this is for a journal or professional association:
  • It is one of the two stadnard citation-Systems of the German archaeological institute (DAI - and is used in most of the new publication at least in german archaeology.
    Is this also a reason for requestin a Style?
  • yeah, that's good enough - you can put the full request in the other thread you posted to.
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