Chicago Manual of Style (Note) sort order problem

Hi all,

Using Zotero Standalone 3.0.7 and LibreOffice Integration 3.5.1. I'm getting a very strange sort order for a set of references:

Adorno, Theodor W. Aesthetic Theory. Edited by Gretel Adorno and Rolf Tiedemann. Translated by Robert Hullot-Kentor. London: Continuum, 2004.
———. Against Epistemology: A Metacritique. Translated by Willis Domingo. Oxford: Blackwell, 1982.
———. “Commitment.” In Aesthetics and Politics, translated by Francis McDonagh, 177–195. London: Verso, 2007.
———. “Cultural Criticism and Society.” In Prisms, translated by Samuel Weber and Shierry Weber, 17–34. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982.
———. “Farewell to Jazz.” In Essays on music, edited by Richard D. Leppert, translated by Susan H. Gillespie, 296–409. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
Adorno, Theodor W., and Max Horkheimer. Towards a New Manifesto. Translated by Rodney Livingstone. London: Verso Books, 2011.
Adorno, Theodor W. “Lecture Sixteen: 23 July 1963.” In Problems of Moral Philosophy, 157–166. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2000.
———. Minima Moralia. Translated by E.F.N. Jephcott. London: NLB, 1974.

Can anybody explain why the jointly authored book "Towards a New Manifesto" appears at that point, rather than under "T"? Is it sorting on the second author's surname ("H")?

Any help much appreciated.
  • This is clearly wrong.
    Could you start by re-installing the style from the repository? I believe this may have been fixed recently.
    If the error still persists afterwards (switch to a different style and back in your document), please export all these references as Zotero RDF (right-click --> Export select items) open the file with a text editor, select all and post the content to or so we can work with these exact items in troubleshooting.
  • Hi Adam,

    Thanks for your response; this seems to have been fixed as re-installing the style and then switching to another and back has fixed the sort order.

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