Changes in the Bibliography

Hello all together,
I use a modified harvard7de style. The citations are modified to my needs but the style of my bibliography has to be modified too. I already tried to do it myself but unfortunately there hast to be changed quite much and i'm not the best in programming xml/csl.
This is what the "part of a book" entry looks like in the bibliography:

Binder, Beate; Kaschuba, Wolfgang; Niedermüller, Peter (2001): “Inszenierungen des Nationalen - einige einleitende Bemerkungen.” In: Binder, Beate; Kaschuba, Wolfgang; Niedermüller, Peter (eds.) Inszenierung des Nationalen : Geschichte, Kultur und die Politik der Identitäten am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Köln: Böhlau pp. 7–15.

And thats how it should look:

Binder, Beate; Kaschuba, Wolfgang; Niedermüller, Peter (2001): „Inszenierungen des Nationalen - einige einleitende Bemerkungen.“ In: Binder, Beate; Kaschuba, Wolfgang; Niedermüller, Peter (Hg.): Inszenierung des Nationalen : Geschichte, Kultur und die Politik der Identitäten am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Köln: Böhlau. S. 7–15.

Please watch the inter punctuation. There are some more full stops and colons.
I hope anyone can help me.
Thanks a lot in advance

  • Have you validated the style? If not, follow the steps for validation, and fix up any signficant errors. You're getting abbreviations and punctuation from the English locale. The original style uses the German locale, which does suggest that something broke in that part of the style.
  • I recently updated the style to the latest version of xml and the validated it.
    BUT, if i remember it correctly, i changed the locale afterwords again.
    I'll try to validate the style again and will give a report.
  • I recently updated the style to the latest version of xml and the validated it.
    BUT, if i remember it correctly, i changed the locale afterwords again.
    I'll try to validate the style again and will give a report.
  • Sorry for the double post.

    I validated the style and it said: "validation successful".
  • edited May 18, 2012
    BTW, this is the locale-part of my style:

    <locale xml:lang="de">
    <term name="ibid">ebd</term>

    Maybe you can already tell if something is wrong with it...?
  • That part looks fine. If you paste the style to, save it as a Public Gist and paste the URL from the address bar back here, I can take a look at it tomorrow (it's evening here, I'll soon be sleeping).
  • and make sure that it says
    in the second line of the style (the one that starts with <style
    If it does, post the style as fbennett asks you to.
  • Hey,
    I added default-locale="de-DE" to the code and the part-of-a-book-entries indeed looked much better. But there are still some things to be changed (see the example at the top of this topic).
    I posted the code here:
    Also i had problems with installing the code with the added command (i now use Zotero Standalone, before i used the firefox-plugin): I clicked on the +-sign under styles in the preferences. Zotero asked me, if i really wanted to install the style. I clicked ok but couldn't find the style in the list afterwards anymore...
    Thanks for your help again!
  • edited May 22, 2012
    the part-of-a-book-entries indeed looked much better. But there are still some things to be changed (see the example at the top of this topic).
    You'll have to be more specific.
    I clicked on the +-sign under styles in the preferences. Zotero asked me, if i really wanted to install the style. I clicked ok but couldn't find the style in the list afterwards anymore...
    I don't use Standalone yet, so I can't really help with this one.
    you need to change link and id of your style as described in that link - else it won't show up.
    For you other issue, as fbennett says, you'd need to be more specific.
  • If i add that default-locale command in the integrated csl editor of Zotero Standalone, this is what the part-of-a-book entries in the bibliography look like:

    Diederichsen, Diedrich (2007): „Allein mit der Gesellschaft. Was kommuniziert Pop-Musik?“ In: Huck, Christian; Zorn, Carsten (Hrsg.) Das Populäre der Gesellschaft Systemtheorie und Populärkultur. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, S. 322–335.

    So there are two small changes to be made:
    1. There should be a colon after (Hrsg.)
    2. That strange A with a roof after "S." shouldn't be there

    I posted the changed code again:

    Furthermore i still can't install the style after changing it. As mentioned above i edit the style in the cal editor of Zotero Standalone. When i'm done i use the "Save..." command and in the following window i name the style and change the suffix to ".csl".
    Then i go to preferences>styles, click on the + and choose the file i just saved. Zotero askes me "install style "" from ,filename‘?" which i answer with "yes". But the style neither shows up in the list, nor is the previous style overwritten (the entries look the same as they looked before i made my changes). As you can see in the posted code on github, i already changed id and link. I noticed that, every time i save the file, Zotero asks me "install style ""... ". So there is always those quotation marks with nothing in between, which makes me wondering, if Zotero even recognizes the id...
    Thanks for your patience :-)
  • The  is in your version of the style (just search for it - it comes up multiple times). I can't tell you how it got there, it's not in Harvard 7.
    The one you're seeing is here:
    <label variable="page" form="short" suffix=". " strip-periods="true"/>

    but there are others.

    As for saving the style - you need save the style from a text-editor - you can't directly save from the test pane. (We should make that clearer in the instructions - it used to be more explicit and somehow got lost).

    For the colon after (Hrsg.)
    find this
    <names variable="editor" delimiter="; ">
    <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always" form="long"/>
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".)" strip-periods="true"/>
    change to

    <names variable="editor" delimiter="; ">
    <name name-as-sort-order="all" sort-separator=", " delimiter="; " delimiter-precedes-last="always" form="long"/>
    <label form="short" prefix=" (" suffix=".):" strip-periods="true"/>
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