LexisNexis scraper has problems with Boston Globe article

I used LexisNexis Academic to locate the article

GAME ON; PLAYERS ADD VERBAL JABS TO ONLINE ARSENAL by Hiawatha Bray, The Boston Globe, October 29, 2003.

I pulled it into Zotero and then exported it in Wikipedia format, to get:

{{Cite news
| last = Staff
| first = By Hiawatha Bray, Globe
| work = The Boston Globe
| accessdate = 2008-02-16
| url = http://www.lexisnexis.com.ezproxy.metrostate.edu/us/lnacademic/frame.do?tokenKey=rsh-20.313569.45710468496&target=results_listview_resultsNav&reloadEntirePage=true&rand=1203129087707&returnToKey=20_T3063659717&parent=docview

Note that the author's last and first name are completely wrong, and the article's publication date is not given.

  • I've experienced the same problem with another newspaper in the LexisNexis Academics collection (The Plain Dealer). Zotero incorrectly saves the author's name (with a description like 'reporter' in the last name field and the author's full name in the first name field. Thus, you will have an incorrect citation regardless of the format you're exporting to.

    I searched on the forums as well and have not found anyone else reporting this error.The only workaround (that I know) to this error is to manually edit the data.
  • The problem stems from the fact that LexisNexis does not present its author data in any consistent form. We're pulling their XML and doing the best with it that we can, but unfortunately the data is a mess on their end.
  • I can't get Lexis scraping to work at all. I don't see the usual icon in the address bar-is there some other method?

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