Word style sheet in zotero bibliograhic
everytime when I refresh zotero in word my selected style sheet switchs to the standard style sheet. How can I avoid this?
How can I change the break between two authors and the text-alignment. Do I have to change the CSl-file or is it something in word.
Thanks for your help. Schorsch
everytime when I refresh zotero in word my selected style sheet switchs to the standard style sheet. How can I avoid this?
How can I change the break between two authors and the text-alignment. Do I have to change the CSl-file or is it something in word.
Thanks for your help. Schorsch
I don't understand the 2nd question - which break? what alignment? examples?
In the bibliography there are lots of authors listed. Normally there are one break between each author to separate them. I want to adjust this break = space. Moreover I want to change the text layout from justification to left-aligned.
I hope you can understand this. English is not my mother tongue. Thanks
I don't understand the distinction btw. break and space. As far as I know Zotero uses a regular space between names - but maybe I'm missing something - I'd really like an example to clarify. You can't customize spaces in Zotero, but you can customize the delimiter between authors in CSL (and only in CSL) so the answer really depends on what you want to do.
Alignment is set in the "bibliograpy" style in word, not by Zotero.
This is how zotero insert the bibliography.
Mörtenhummer, Monika, und Harald Mörtenhummer. 2009. Zitate im Management. Linde Verlag Wien Ges.m.b.H.
N. N. o. J. Analytic Hierarchy Process – Wikipedia. Abrufbar von <http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytic_Hierarchy_Process>. . Zugegriffen am 1 März 2012a.
N. N. 2003. Gravure - Process and Technology. Rochester, NY: GAA [u.a.].
I want it like this: (with two breaks (Absätze) or 1.5)
Mörtenhummer, Monika, und Harald Mörtenhummer. 2009. Zitate im Management. Linde Verlag Wien Ges.m.b.H.
N. N. o. J. Analytic Hierarchy Process – Wikipedia. Abrufbar von <http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytic_Hierarchy_Process>. . Zugegriffen am 1 März 2012a.
N. N. 2003. Gravure - Process and Technology. Rochester, NY: GAA [u.a.].
Das nächste Mal erkläre ich es in Deutsch. Aber dies ist ja ein englisches Forum. Die anderen sollen ja auch was davon haben.
Ich denke, dass das Beispiel ausreichend ist. Falls nötig kann ich das Problem nochmal auf Deutsch darlegen.
Gute Nacht und Danke Schorsch
Generell hier: http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/citation_styles/style_editing_step-by-step
Konkret willst Du wohl entry-spacing="2" setzen - in der Zeile die mit <bibliography
Ich weiß nicht wie, aber irgendwie hat das Literaturverzeichnis jetzt eine Formatvorlage namens Bibliography, die ich editieren kann ohne, dass bei einem Refresh die Formatierung verloren geht. Das ist natürlich viel komfortabler, als in der CSl-Datei.