Change Thesis to Thesis/Dissertation

Since Dissertations are more generally cited from than theses, I think that the title of the field should either indicate both types i.e. Thesis/Dissertation, or have a drop down selection for whether it is one or the other.
  • Is there a need to distinguish between the two? It looks like the nomenclature is a bit fuzzy across the different countries/languages:
  • edited April 17, 2012
    Well in the U.S.A. in many disciplines, Dissertations are for PhD, and Thesis are for Masters. This is not *always* true, however you would need to include which on it was in a citation.

    Therefore, especially if there were a field [EDIT: I suppose "type" would work, what I am bothered by is the overarching title being thesis, when it could just as easily be a dissertation] to write for example: "Ph.D. dissertation" that could be inserted into a citation.

    Author. Year. Title. Ph.D. dissertation, [possibly department], University.

    or something similar.
  • Yes, the Type field (mapped to "genre" in CSL) is typically used to store the type of thesis for citation purposes. See
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