correcting a misspelled danish word
Being a newcomer to this program, I do not know the right way of telling mistakes. Here is a mistake:
In the info of an item, I can see that the danisk word "udgave" is misspelled. The wrong word is udgavve. I think the english is edition.
Please correct.
Can I do it myself? Where is the danish languagefile?
Best wishes. Jens Sovang DK
In the info of an item, I can see that the danisk word "udgave" is misspelled. The wrong word is udgavve. I think the english is edition.
Please correct.
Can I do it myself? Where is the danish languagefile?
Best wishes. Jens Sovang DK
But this file (and the version referred above), as well as the file that controls output in Danish, has so many other mispellings, bad translations and mistakes that I would recommend everyone to switch to the English versions. That's what I will tell my students.
But of course this is not the right solution. The files have to be revised be someone competent in Danish as well as Library and Information Science. I would happily volunteer but since I am a newcomer to Zotero I would not know how go about it or which other files might be infected.
Niels Erik Wille
Senior Lecturer (emeritus), Roskilde University, DK
There is no one working on Danish translations yet, so your help would be very welcome.
I will probably have a go. But I can't (and will not) do any real work till I have a better grasp of how the files link together and their links with other files within the system.
It seems something of a jungle to identify proper documentation of the citation language ane the way it is used within Zotero.
Well jungles are for exploration? Or is there a map?
Niels Erik Wille
CSL is a project separate from Zotero and used in several other programs, hence the different translations.
The terms for CSL are defined here:
It's a little harder to work with than transifex (any correction would have to be in the form of an updated .xml file)
and no, unfortunately there is no full documentation for how the terms are used. I agree there should be, but it's a lot of work and all of the people involved in the CSL project. In my experience, 90-95% of the terms are pretty clear, for the remaining 5% ask and/or use your best judgment.
As for translating the Software itself (that's the part on transifex) - the best way to do that is with the English software intalled, so you can check where a specific term/phrase is used. Again - 90% should be pretty clear, for the rest you'll have to look at the context.
Maybe after we finish translator cleanup, I'll localize Zotero to Lithuanian and fill in the context.
See further discussion of problems relating to the Danish version af the Zotero client in :Danish translation of the Zotero client.