Bibliography not in chronological order

Whenever I create a bibliography from a collection - regardless of the style - it does not come out in chronological order (after author names, of course). Nor is it reverse chronological order, it seems completely random. How do I fix this?
  • that's almost certainly style dependent. Try American Psych. Association.
    If there is a style that you think _should_ be sorting chronologically but doesn't, please provide a link/quote from its documentation and we'll fix that.
  • Thanks very much.
    I need to use the Harvard Reference format, which really should be in chronological order.
    It is also a bit random about whether it uses et al. or lists all authors when there are more than two. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong there as well..?
  • yeah, that should be changed for Harvard at some point

    if you want to do it yourself, change
    <key macro="author"/>
    <key variable="title"/>

    <key macro="author"/>
    <key variable="issued"/>
    for directions.

    It's a computer generated style, it doesn't (can't!) do anything "at random"
    Harvard 1 uses et al. for more than 2 authors in the text and for more than 3 authors in the bibliography. It adds additional author names for disambiguation where necessary.
  • It's a computer generated style, it doesn't (can't!) do anything "at random"
    We could explore adding random ordering and random truncation for a future release of CSL, if there's demand. Perhaps to counteract the bias against end-of-the-alphabet authors?
  • Perhaps to counteract the bias against end-of-the-alphabet authors?
    You have my full support. :)
  • Can you please also explain how to alter the code to fix the following problem:

    I'm using Chicago Author-Date Format, and it keeps listing the websites I cite out of order in the bibliography. They're not in alphabetical order, or ordered by date of access. I don't mind what order they appear in, as long as it is some discernable order. Can you help? Thank you!
  • please start a new thread and include some sample citations - my guess would be that the websites don't have an author nor a publication year (which isn't really acceptable by CMoS standards) and so they end up in random order, but I'd have to see. In any case - not related to this thread, please start a new one.
  • Hi,

    I've figured out on Harvard Style 1 (which I am trying to modify to suit my needs) that if you add:

    <sort><key variable="issued"/></sort>

    just above the following line in the citations bit of the code:

    <layout prefix="(" suffix=")" delimiter="; ">

    you manage to put multi-citations in the text in chronological order, but with old ones first and most recent last. How can I reverse this so I have most recent first?
  • <key variable="issued" sort="descending"/>
  • I tried a number of bibliographic styles and (apart from American Psych. Assn.) they do not produce bibliographies in chronological order.

    I do not know anything about quoting the "documentation" of the bibliographic style but hope you fix this soon as it currently renders Zotero unusable for my purposes!

    Check out, for instance, American Sociological Association, American Political Science Association.

  • edited March 16, 2012
    A quick trawl of the Web for a description of ASA returned this:
    List all references in alphabetical order by first authors’ last names
    Check the manuals; I think you'll find that the Zotero styles are correct. If you want to modify the styles to sort by date instead, you can find instructions under the Documentation tab of
  • My apologies, my post was not clear enough: The ASA style (in Zotero) does sort alphabetically by name, but where there are multiple references by a single author, these should be sorted chronologically, and this latter sort is what the Zotero ASA (and APSA) style fails to do.
  • It looks like APSA is sorting by author, then year, then title. Is the problem with sorts within a year?

    For ASA, the style is sorting by author, then by title. It would be good to have the specific requirement given by the guide, so that we know whether the date should be at a higher or lower priority than the title.
  • I just checked American Political Science Association and it seems to be sorting by author but then neither by date or title.

    As for the American Sociological Association, I just checked the American Sociological Review - one of the association journals - and date should indeed be a higher priority than title.

    Thanks for taking note of this!
  • I just checked American Political Science Association and it seems to be sorting by author but then neither by date or title.
    Have you reinstalled the style recently? It looks like Sebastian added a date sort to the bibliography (immediately following author) on October 25 of last year.
  • Just downloaded the updated American Political Science Association/Review style; they work.

    The sociology styles however are still sorted by author then title.
  • someone would have to bother consulting the ASA manual to make sure it _should_ be cited by date - if that's the case it's easy to fix, but I'm not going to go by intuition.
    An unambiguous example from an ASA journal following ASA style would do, too.
  • Thanks for your help with this, it's much appreciated.

    Here is a link to a recent American Sociological Review article:

    Look at the four references by Collins, Randall.

    You can see that they're sorted by Author then date. Here is the relevant section from that bibliography:

    Black, Donald. 1998. The Social Structure of Right and Wrong. New York: Academic Press.

    Collins, Randall. 2004a. Interaction Ritual Chains. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

    Collins, Randall. 2004b. “Rituals of Solidarity and Secu- rity in the Wake of Terrorist Attack.” Sociological Theory 22:53–87.

    Collins, Randall. 2008. Violence: A Micro-Sociological Theory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

    Collins, Randall. 2010. “A Dynamic Theory of Battle Victory and Defeat.” Cliodynamics: The Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical History 1:3–25 (http://

    Cooney, Mark. 1998. Warriors and Peacemakers: How Third Parties Shape Violence. New York: New York University Press.
  • OK, just pushed an updated copy of ASA - should show up on the repository in the next 30mins. I also adjusted sorting for in-text citations: They are now sorted alphabetical, then by date (ASA just requres some type of sorting - they don't care whether it's alphabetical or by date as long as it's consistent).
  • Sincere thanks - it works like a charm!
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