University of Melbourne
Zotero doesn't seem to work anymore with our Library catalogue. It used to in the past, although with some limitations. Has anybody experienced this or found a way around this problem?
Address is
Address is
The UQ library response to this was: "UQ Library recently upgraded to the latest version of software for the Catalogue. Unfortunately Zotero is no longer working with this version. We hope the problem will be resolved before too long."
I find this a bit passive, indeed feeble, but then like most Australian educational institutions, UQ is lazily deferential to the Microsoft 'ecosystem'; and the library in particular has made its resistance to Open Source apps in general, and Zotero in particular, very clear.
Unfortunately (Aus) universities suffer badly from status anxiety, and the opinion of a mere undergraduate has no weight. Has anyone here found useful means, other than being a prof or helping fund VC/Dean wine budgets, of persuading universities to take Zotero seriously?
Basically anything that comes as a result from a normal search of the catalogue, as in:,+richard/awhite+richard/1,21,39,B/frameset&FF=awhite+richard+1951&2,,5/indexsort=-
It does look like unimelb is using innopac, and if my UQ (also innopac) is anything to go by, you're always going to get patchy results. A workaround is to look for the same item through different search types; one of them will usually work.
Here are a pair of UQ library searches where, similarly, only the author search results are picked up by the innopac translator:
author search
title search
Interestingly enough, Zotero seems to like LaTrobe ( which also seems to use innopac as it's cataloguing system for which I have not had any trouble regardless of search type.
I've also just tried CB's searches of the UQ library and both were correctly translated into Zotero.