Create "Times Cited" column and field

Hello All,

I'm new to zotero. I use web of knowledge/science consistently and I like that I'm able to export the number of times cited for each reference. When I export a library to zotero, "Times Cited" will fall into the "Extra" field in the info tab (Example, Extra: Times Cited: 102). What I would like to do is be able to sort my reference library by the number of times cited. This means there needs to be a "Times Cited" column added to the library table.

So to sum up my two request:
1. I would like a new field created called Times Cited
2. I want to be able to sort my zotero library by the number of times the references have been cited.

Thank You.
  • Good request. For now, there is an addon which can sort of do this. It uses the call number field, and fetches counts from Google Scholar.
  • Thanks for the suggestion,

    How do I now update the "Call Number" field? I've tried just selecting all my references in the library, right click, then select update citations. Nothing happens. Is there another way I'm supposed to this?

    This is very similar to what I'm looking for. I wonder if the times cited are the same in Scholar and Web of Knowledge... I would be more satisfied if it retrieved the number from Web of Knowledge, but this is a great start.
  • That should work, and so should gear icon->update all citations
    However, I just tried myself, and updating citations was not working, though it seems that fetching for newly added papers was working (at least until very recently).
    Anyway, I reinstalled the addon, and it is working normally again. We should probably report our experiences to the addon's developer.

    Of course, another thing you can always try is disabling all your other addons (except Zotero), to see if there is a possible conflict.
  • Hi, I was dealing with similar problem - how to get the TC field to Zotero and then to a reference list. I used the following workaround:
    1. I saved the WoS search results as the native ISI format (Save to Other Reference Software).
    2. I found and modified this script (I've added $output1 .= bibtexfield("series", $fields{"TC"}); to line 443 - after the #label section - to convert TC to a 'series' variable) and used it to transform the .txt file to BibTex's .bib
    3. Imported the .bib file into Zotero (the number of times cites appeared as Series - which is not used for journals, actually)
    4. As my final output should be a .rtf with list of references where the number should appear at the end of each citation as [#] I've also modified the respective .csl file by adding &lttext variable="collection-title" prefix=". [" suffix="]"/> to the layout part of the file.

    Hopefully this helps someone.


    P.S.: Btw it'd be great to have this variable (times cited) together with number of cited references directly in Zotero and to be able to sort the library by these numbers.
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