Site translator problem/no cause?
Zotero had been working great for me yesterday, but today it is giving me the "site translator" unable to capture message when I try to capture files from Proquest (which it is very compatible with). I went through the site translator trouble-shooting thing, and nothing seems to be wrong -- I have none of the wrong plugins but updated essential ones and disabled others anyway. I upgraded to zotero 3.0 for mozilla and the new standalone; my firefox is all up to date. Help?
Make sure that basic translators such as still work, e.g. this item:
Also, is this on Firefox or another browser?
The basic translator works fine, and the file folder translator (what I had been using on Proquest) worked great yesterday.
This is all on Firefox, yes, the latest version.$5bqueryType$3dadvanced:OS$3b+sortType$3drelevance$3b+searchTerms$3d$5b$3cAND$7ccitationBodyTags:pork+chop+hill$3e$5d$3b+searchParameters$3d$7bNAVIGATORS$3dpubtitlenav,decadenav$28filter$3d110$2f0$2f*,sort$3dname$2fascending$29,yearnav$28filter$3d1100$2f0$2f*,sort$3dname$2fascending$29,yearmonthnav$28filter$3d120$2f0$2f*,sort$3dname$2fascending$29,monthnav$28sort$3dname$2fascending$29,daynav$28sort$3dname$2fascending$29,+RS$3dOP,+chunkSize$3d50,+date$3dON:1959-4-30,+ftblock$3d194000+1+194001,+DUPLICATIONREMOVAL$3dtrue$7d$3b+metaData$3d$7bUsageSearchMode$3dAdvanced,+dbselections$3d1007155,+siteLimiters$3dRecordType,+FDB$3dNONE$7d$5d?accountid=14784
i.e. we need to know the search terms and the database you're using.
If you could be more specific in as non-techie language as possible, I can try and help you recreate it.
The database you're using is
"ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times (1851-2008)" is that correct?
If this helps, when other proquest databases (Washington Post, Amsterdam News) were working for me yesterday, the search results (folder) was capturing just fine and the individual items were showing up as newspaper icons in my library. Which is great.
You can follow along here - once it's accepted/merged it will auto-update for you within 24hs or you can do so immediately from the general tab of the Zotero preferences.