High CPU Load after Adding Citation in 3.0


Zotero 3.0 is running great. Many thanks to the developers.

However after I add a citation to my OpenOffice document, Firefox shows a very high CPU load, usually around 100 % on one core. This load stays so high until I close Firefox or Openoffice.

This behaviour happens every time, it happens with the new Add citation dialog as well with the classic one.

I am using:

Firefox 10.0
Zotero 3.0 Plugin for Firefox
Zotero LibreOffice Integration 3.5
OpenOffice 3.3.0
Windows XP SP3
  • I am experiencing the same problem.

    Zotero standalone causes a massive spike in CPU usage after inserting or editing a citation. CPU runs high continuously thereafter. All syncing has been disabled and correct plugins are installed.

    Zotero 3.0
    Open office 3.0
  • We haven't been able to reproduce this. Simon may have some other ideas, but upgrading to the latest version of LibreOffice might help.

    (Mike1980: OpenOffice 3.0, if that's really what you mean, was released in 2008.)
  • I have the same problem and I am using (under Ubuntu 11.10):
    Libre Office 3.4.4
    Firefox 9.0.1
    Zotero 3.0
    Zotero Libreoffice integration 3.5

    The CPU usage is very annoying as it is consuming the batteries of my laptop quite fast.
  • OK, I've managed to reproduce this in LibreOffice. We're investigating.
  • Fixed in plugin version 3.5.1, available now (and bundled with Zotero Standalone 3.0.1, also available now).
  • Yikes. I really didn't expect all of the issues I was seeing on Linux to be addressed within 24 hours the day after a major release. Both thanks and congratulations are in order.
  • Thanks for the immediate fix! A donation will be on the way!
  • Worked like a charm. Thanks Dan and team.
  • Thank you very much, all problems solved!
This discussion has been closed.