[solved] BibTeX Export: year missing / key incomplete

Hello all,

i'm relatively new to using zotero with LaTeX, encounter the following difficulties, did not find anything that fits in the forum, maybe i simply do not see the point ...

When i export a zotero item to my LaTeX-document by QuickCopy, i receive a \cite{}-command, but without the year. E.g.:

\cite{reimarus_vernunftlehre} instead of \cite{reimarus_vernunftlehre_1782} -- the entry in the bib file is:
@book{reimarus_vernunftlehre_1782 ...

It makes no difference if i drag & drop or use ctrl+alt+c. The export format in the preferences is »BibTeXCiteKeyOnly«.

Thank you very much in advance. Any comments appreciated.

  • Zotero doesn't ship with BibTeXCiteKeyOnly.js style & there are a few versions of that floating around. You'll probably need to look at the source & make sure it uses the same key scheme that BibTeX.js uses.
  • Great! If everything in life'd be that simple ...

    Thank you very, very much, noksagt:
    I found the BibTeXCiteKeyOnly.js in my data directory, opened the file and simply had to add the »%y«!

    Now drag & drop works perfect for me.

    Once again: A Huge »thank you«, noksagt.

  • How do i declare this thraed as »solved«?
  • you don't have to, but you can edit your first post and put [solved] in front of the title of the thread.
  • Thak you, adamsmith!
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