Wilsonweb translation error

I was trying to save an article from Wilson Web and I have twice gotten an error message. I have checked and both Firefox and Zotero are updated.

Here is the page


  • Please provide search terms to find the item-- that link isn't permanent and just gives me a blank page.
  • It is "The effects of music assisted relaxation on preoperative anxiety "

    Robb, Sheri L.; Nichols, Ray J.; Rutan, Randi L.
    Journal Name: The Journal of Music Therapy
    Source: The Journal of Music Therapy v. 32 (Spring 1995) p. 2-21
    Publication Year: 1995
  • I don't seem to have access to that item, but the translator is working for me in general. Take a look at http://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues and go through the steps listed there, including a Report ID as described in step 10 if the steps don't resolve the issue.
  • I've been experiencing issues with wilson web today. I'm trying to get information on an article in Mathematics Teaching Vol. 127 from 1989 authored by David Tall. There is an article of the same name with authors Knuth and Elliot, that I recieved from Jstor earlier. I'm unable to get the article by Tall (receiving error message) but the Knuth article saves with no problem from the Wilson Web site. Unfortunately I can't find the Tall article in any other database.
  • do you have a URL or a doi?
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