Setting up Zotero/Windows/OpenOffice: report ID 1430766241

I'm working at setting up Zotero with Open Office on Windows 7 and am running into a problem with java integration. I went through the initial installation and received a "could not create java implementation folder" error.

I ended up reinstalling openoffice as per the suggestion on the troubleshooting pages. This seems to have gotten me further--the openoffice zotero plugin for firefox indicates it has installed. When I open up openoffice, however, I do not see the icons that should appear as indicated on the instructions for word integration. (I do however see a bibliography toolbar, with text links for "insert citation" "edit citation" and so on. I have not seen this before, but I wonder whether it may just be the openoffice native biblio toolbar rather than the zotero toolbar.)

I did begin the process of downloading libreoffice. However, given that the download is a huge .exe file rather than a zip or tar and my kazakhstani isp seems incapable of managing the download, this may not be an option. In any case, it is extremely important to me to have integration with openoffice, so I want to keep trying to get openoffice integrated.

For some reason I cannot copy the text from the error report, which indicates I need to exit openoffice in order to install the firefox integration plugin. (I was not running openoffice when this error occurred.)

Error IDs are as follows:


Can anyone suggest a solution for this?

Thank you.
  • the text-icons you see are almost certainly for the Zotero integration - can you click them? What happens?

    If the error suggest to close Ooo that indicates a permission issue - either Zotero can't find your Ooo startup folder (in which case try manual install) or you don't have write access - a common problem under Windows, I believe.
  • Those links unfortunately disappeared when I was trying to correct the problem, and I have yet to get them back. Was searching around for solutions and found this one, which suggests adding the Zotero version 3 trunk. I tried that, but I still get the same errors. (forum entry here:

    I did see that my system was running two instances of Java, so I uninstalled one. That did not seem to have any affect either.

    Permissions: this is my own personal computer which runs without any login required, so I think I should have full permissions. Will check.

    Will also try manual install, though I did try that before.

    Thanks for the suggestions. Still working on this.
  • Upon attempt at manual install, OoO indicated the branch version of Zotero was already installed and asked if I wanted to replace it. I indicated I did, and got the error, "Could not create Java implementation loader."

    Currently trying this with:

    Windows 7
    JRE 6/30
    Firefox 9.0.1
    zotero 3.0b3.r10711
    zotero libreoffice integration 3.5b3
  • Also, a correction. Those links for citations and such in an OoO toolbar do appear. But clicking them has no effect whatsoever.
  • you have seen this?

    If you're using Ooo 3.2 I'd pretty much give up - there have been so many inexplicable errors with that version that it's probably not worth troubleshooting.

    Also - is there any reason you're using a branch .xpi of Zotero instead of the regular beta version? If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should probably not be using the branch version - just re-install the beta version from the homepage).

    (btw. - the file for download from Libre Office is zipped - the .exe you're downloading is a self-expanding archive.)
  • Yes, I saw that link and went through the procedures before my initial post. No success with it. I'm using openoffice 3.3. Had seen the recommendations on the site to prefer libreoffice. Have not had success downloading the file yet. I suspect a problem with my ISP's connection. But hope to have some success with that.

    Will check my branch version. Thanks for the heads up on that. I just followed a link offered on the zotero site that said branch may provide a solution to the problems with OO.

    I do seem to have Word working okay, but I will continue trying with OO for now and with LO once I have managed to download it; if no success with OO will keep looking to see if OO resolves its java problems soon.

    Thanks for the help.
  • I seem to have both Word and LibreOffice working with no problem. Will wait until the next upgrade of OpenOffice to try again with that. Thanks again for the help.
  • I would give up on Ooo - the project it functionally dead since Oracle took over from Sun. That's why LO was founded.
  • Really? Nuts! I saw the announcement about oracle when I visited the site forum to find solutions about this problem. Well, hope LibreOffice will turn out to be a strong replacement. Thanks.
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