I cannot fix my zotero database

My database is too big for the online fixing tool; I tried to fix it with sql lite following the instructions posted in the forum--no luck! Please help. Here is the Report ID
  • what's not working correctly?
    And what size is your db that a zipped version of it would be larger than 100MB?
  • zotero is not syncing, I am getting this error:
    [JavaScript Error: "Image corrupt or truncated: <unknown>" {file: "<unknown>" line: 0}]

    [JavaScript Error: "uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [mozIStorageConnection.commitTransaction]" nsresult: "0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/db.js :: <TOP_LEVEL> :: line 484" data: no]"]

    I checked the database integrity and there are errors
  • My library last synced 20 days ago. If you think I can easily fix the problem just by wiping out my local database and restore it from the server I could do that.
  • again, how large is your library that it would be >100mb after compression?
  • My library is half gig, compressed is about 200 mb
  • It's just the zotero.sqlite file that matters, not the entire data directory.
  • your zotero.sqlite file is half a gigabyte? How many items do you have in your library? (see the third one here: http://www.zotero.org/support/tips_and_tricks )
  • It's not clear from the error report that your database is corrupted, though. Does it fail the integrity check in the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences? Have you tried restarting your computer? Disabling other Firefox extensions?
  • (Dan: see Salvadore's third post: "I checked the database integrity and there are errors ")
  • My file alone is 500mb. Yes, it fails the integrity check and it does not sync. Yes I tried restarting the PC and it still does not work. I also tried replacing my current db with an older version (older than the last sync 20 days ago) and it does work, so something must have happened to my db content about twenty days ago
  • My database includes 4000 items
  • Have you tried emptying your Zotero trash? (bottom of the left hand panel).
  • It worked! I had to restart and empty the trash several times and also go through a process of selection between remote and local items, but in the end it worked! Thank you so much!
  • @Dan - "Empty your Zotero Trash" should be somewhere prominent on a troubleshooting site for syncing - do you have any ideas?
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