ah yes - that makes sense - but that's not the style I wrote for you This style, which you say doesn't work: https://gist.github.com/1329399 has, in line 255: <text variable="volume" font-style="lowercase"/> that's invalid. It would have to be text-case="lowercase" and/or font-style="italic" once you change that it should work.
we understand that not everyone is a programmer - that's what the forum is for.
Ideally you'd just use a standard style, in which case these types of problems rarely - if ever - come up. Does UAB really require a specific version of APA for dissertations?
No, no, it was my decision based on what we usually use in my research unit... The University doesn't require a specific one. It is just the one I am used to. But I needed it in Spanish. That's for sure, because the dissertation is also in Spanish...
Small problem with the correct style you adamsmith created for me...
When in the bibliography I have more than one reference of the same author and year, althought they are given a letter, they dont appear in order (they should be ordered by title).
AZRIA, R. (1996a). “Réidentification communautaire du judaïsme”. En G. DAVIE; D. HERVIEU-LEGER (EDS.), Identités religieuses en Europe. París: La Découverte.
AZRIA, R. (1996b). “Los judíos, el judaísmo y la modernidad”, Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, (15): 131-142.
It should be like this, just the other way around:
AZRIA, R. (1996a). “Los judíos, el judaísmo y la modernidad”, Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, (15): 131-142.
AZRIA, R. (1996b). “Réidentification communautaire du judaïsme”. En G. DAVIE; D. HERVIEU-LEGER (EDS.), Identités religieuses en Europe. París: La Découverte.
you need to add a line to the sort section of the bibliography. It now reads: <sort> <key macro="author"/> <key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/> </sort>
Modify it to <sort> <key macro="author"/> <key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/> <key macro="title"/> </sort>
AZRIA, R. (1996b). “Los judíos, el judaísmo y la modernidad”, Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, (15): 131-142.
AZRIA, R. (1996a). “Réidentification communautaire du judaïsme”. En G. DAVIE; D. HERVIEU-LEGER (EDS.), Identités religieuses en Europe. París: La Découverte.
So now the references are in order, but the letters are crossed. The "b" appears before the "a" in the list of the bibliography...
that's likely not doable with the old style, which is still in csl 0.8.1, then.
The fastest way is likely to download the most recent version of APA from the repository (which is csl 1.0) and modify that.
The one that doesn't work is this one:
The one that works is this one:
This style, which you say doesn't work:
has, in line 255:
<text variable="volume" font-style="lowercase"/>
that's invalid. It would have to be text-case="lowercase" and/or font-style="italic"
once you change that it should work.
I am really greatful for your help. I'm going to try to fix it now.
Ideally you'd just use a standard style, in which case these types of problems rarely - if ever - come up. Does UAB really require a specific version of APA for dissertations?
I hope to not disturb u anymore...
When in the bibliography I have more than one reference of the same author and year, althought they are given a letter, they dont appear in order (they should be ordered by title).
AZRIA, R. (1996a). “Réidentification communautaire du judaïsme”. En G. DAVIE; D. HERVIEU-LEGER (EDS.), Identités religieuses en Europe. París: La Découverte.
AZRIA, R. (1996b). “Los judíos, el judaísmo y la modernidad”, Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, (15): 131-142.
It should be like this, just the other way around:
AZRIA, R. (1996a). “Los judíos, el judaísmo y la modernidad”, Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, (15): 131-142.
AZRIA, R. (1996b). “Réidentification communautaire du judaïsme”. En G. DAVIE; D. HERVIEU-LEGER (EDS.), Identités religieuses en Europe. París: La Découverte.
It now reads:
<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/>
Modify it to
<key macro="author"/>
<key macro="issued-year" sort="ascending"/>
<key macro="title"/>
That changed something, but not all.
Now, it appears like this:
AZRIA, R. (1996b). “Los judíos, el judaísmo y la modernidad”, Historia, antropología y fuentes orales, (15): 131-142.
AZRIA, R. (1996a). “Réidentification communautaire du judaïsme”. En G. DAVIE; D. HERVIEU-LEGER (EDS.), Identités religieuses en Europe. París: La Découverte.
So now the references are in order, but the letters are crossed. The "b" appears before the "a" in the list of the bibliography...
The fastest way is likely to download the most recent version of APA from the repository (which is csl 1.0) and modify that.
I just give up. I will work with what I had until now.