Zotero experienced and error updating your document


I have a similar problem. Since I have installed the New Zotero version and Word plugings, I have problems when trying to insert a citation or a bibliography. This happens when I work with word documents in which I have worked before with other zotero versions. When I start working with a new word document, it works.

I have Zotero 2.1.5. and Word Integration 3.1.
The error message I get when trying to introduce a bibliography is the following one:
Zotero experienced and error updating your document.
state.fun.decorate [params[0]][params[1]] is not a function

ID error repport: 442722268

  • Which style are you using when the error appears?
  • Well, it is an adaptation from the 6th Apa Style which one person of the forum made for me (I was unable to do the programmation myself). But it works when I start a new word document in which I haven't use other past zotero versions...
  • Well, it seems it is the style which is creating problems... It works with the normal 6th APA style, but not the adaptation someone made for me.
    What can I do in order to make it work?
  • Thank you for reporting this. It will be very helpful (extremely helpful, really) if you can post a copy of the style code (Zotero -> gear menu -> Advanced -> Show Data Directory -> find the "styles" directory, it should be in there). If you can paste the style code as a public gist on http://gist.github.com/ we'll take a look.

    We may also have questions about the input data used in your document. But we'll start with the style.
  • I think I've spotted the problem here, actually. This should be fixed in the next processor release, which will appear in the next release of Zotero (2.1.6).
  • Just checked in the changes. This should be solved in Zotero 2.1.6 when it comes out.
  • I have pasted it on the address you gave me.
    So what I have to do is wait for the Zotero 2.1.6?
  • edited April 5, 2011
    The changes have been checked in by the development team already, so you have two choices. You can wait for 2.1.6; or you can install the branch XPI (the preview working copy of the next release). If you install the branch XPI, be sure that you reinstall Zotero 2.1.6 again when it comes out; things sometimes break in the preview versions during development, and you'll want to avoid that.
  • How long more or less will it take for the new version to apperar?
    I'm working on my PhD and need to know if I can wait for it.
  • I'd guess that it will probably be out in a day or two, possibly at the end of the week. But that's just a guess.
  • Oh! That's perfect. I thought it could take much more.
    Thanks a lot!!!
  • When is this 2.1.6 coming out? This 2.1.5 update has rendered Zotero useless for my nearly 400 page dissertation created under a previous version. I too am getting this error. Nothing I do fixes it. Come on guys!
  • I should have added that I am not one of the core developers; that really was just a guess. But 2.1.6 should be coming soon.
  • Hi,

    I come back to this conversation because I have problems with the same thing.

    When I use this style created for someone in the forum for me, I can do in-text citations, but when I try to insert the bibliography, it doesn't work at all. The message that appears is the following one:
    "Zotero experience an error updating your document.
    state.fun.decorate[params[0]][params[1]]is not a function"

    I don't know how to fix the problem, which has to do with this style, because it doesn't appear when I use other styles.

    I need to fix it in order to finish my PhD!!

  • we'll need to see that style.
    You need to post it to github as instructed above _and provide us with a URL so we can look at it_
  • It was you who made it.
    Do i follow this?:
    (Zotero -> gear menu -> Advanced -> Show Data Directory -> find the "styles" directory, it should be in there). If you can paste the style code as a public gist on http://gist.github.com/ we'll take a look.
  • yes - once it's posted copy the URL from the URL bar.
    If it's exactly the style I posted way back -
    - you can just say that, no need to re-post.
  • Here u are:

    If I could ask for another favor... I would like the surname of authors in CAPITAL LETTERS...


    I really don't know how to create my style on my own...
  • I can have a look, but the style should be fine - will take a little.
  • Thanks!

    Then I don't understand why it doesn't work. I have the latest version of Zotero (since yesterday).
  • Any news about that???

  • It might have something to do with locales. The style is generic. Are you running Zotero with a Spanish locale? If so, I'll set up some tests on that basis and see if I can reproduce the fault.
  • Sorry, I don't understand what do you mean by "Spanish locale"...
  • Do you see the Zotero menus and things in Spanish?
  • I see most of it in Spanish. For example, the window where my library is, is called "Mi biblioteca" (in Spanish). Or the list of books and articles I have are placed in a list where the words "título" (title), "Creador" (author) and "año" (year) appear in Spanish.
  • Okay, that's helpful. I should be able to use that information to build a test that replicates what happens in your document. I probably won't get to this until the weekend, but I'll take a look. Send a reminder to this thread if you don't year anything by Saturday or so.
  • Ok, thanks.

    I just send you the previous version of this personalized style which works perfectly. Maybe like this you can fin out the problem easily.


  • Sorry, it is actually this the last version which works correctly.


    Sorry for all the work.
  • this style
    and this style
    are identical. And by that I don't mean their output - there is literally no difference between the two files.
  • Really? So the output is different but not the file?

    What then can be the problem? Or can we make the one that works give the output of the one that doesn't work?

    Thanks for the colaboration.
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