access zotero database from outside application


I have developped a musical score management software for a musicologist specialized in Hurdy gurdy !

She has about 7000 musical score lines related to antique songs, with many information about authors, editors, dates etc., and she manages this with my software.

But she also has a lot of multimedia documents : images, pdf, word, video, mp3 etc on an external disc. I suggested her to put everything in Zotero and add as many tags as possible for each document.

Now I want to search Zotero database and find the documents from my application (without launching Zotero). Is there any C# or C API available, or is it even easier to search directly in SQLite database ?

I have managed to find the related tables : items, itemData, itemDataValues, itemAttachments, itemTags, tags. So I think I can do it all right. But I would like your opinion about this. In particular about fulltext search which seems a bit more complicate...

Thanks a lot.
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