Problem dragging selected items into collections or on tags
I would like to put several hundred items into a collection and also to assign tags. After selecting all of them and dragging onto either the collection name or the tag name there is no response. It works if I try it with only a few records so is probably a problem with the number of items I am dragging.
As well as the drag method it would be good to have an item on right-clicking the collection name or tag name that allows the selected items to be added.
Any help would be appreciated.
As well as the drag method it would be good to have an item on right-clicking the collection name or tag name that allows the selected items to be added.
Any help would be appreciated.
scotI notice this problem, too, even on a relatively brisk new machine with lots of RAM. (Under Win XP SP2).
mreddingtonI'm also using WinXP SP2 with 2 GB RAM.
dstillmanIt may just be a delay while Zotero generates a bibliography for all those items. There should probably be a limit to the number of items being dragged that triggers bibliography creation—maybe 25 or so.
scotI expect that's what it is. And a limit seems a good idea. If you're making a huge bibliography, it's not too much work to just do an export.
dstillmanTicket created. Thanks. The Quick Copy keyboard shortcut will also still work regardless of the number of items.