Cannot connect from my institution through proxy
using the standalone version of zotero, i can neither connect to my webdav files nor to the sync service by zotero.
The problem is that my institution uses a passworded proxy server.
Within firefox this is no problem - but the standalone version does not want to collaborate with the proxy.
Is there a workaround?
using the standalone version of zotero, i can neither connect to my webdav files nor to the sync service by zotero.
The problem is that my institution uses a passworded proxy server.
Within firefox this is no problem - but the standalone version does not want to collaborate with the proxy.
Is there a workaround?
Unfortunately zotero does not let enter (http)proxy settings - am I right?
The key in firefox is called: network.proxy.autoconfig_url. Alternatively I would be able to enter the IP and the port of the proxy manually.
but in Firefox it is similar: First I have to open some http (not https) website in order to get the password popup opened, then I can sync zotero. Zotero itself does not fire up the popup dialog - and within zotero standalone I cannot open a normal website :(
How may I proceed?