Problem with new citation style: "; " added between volume and issue


I have written a new citation style (macros largely based on tah Sozialwissenschaften). The style can be found at:

Apart from some minor issues, I now face a problem I cannot find a plausible explanation for: For articles in the bibliography the volume and issue of the publication should be seperated by ":", but there appears an extra "; " between them. I cannot see where the semicolon and the space come from ('playing' with pre-/suffixes from the volume and issue lines in the macro "issued" doesn't help).

Can somebody explain/help?

  • edited September 11, 2011
    (The link doesn't work. Ah. Removing the terminal full stop gets it working.)

    The style seems to validate after removing the comment on the first line. Not sure if it's relevant, but try removing that for a start.
  • The style is only validated by if the second line
    ("<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>") is removed, but in the Zotero reference test pane the style works fine with this line. (I had this copied from the csl primer and thought it was necessary - guess I was wrong).

    Nevertheless, this doesn't help with the semicolon.
  • Well, it's certainly a bug. The problem is with the cs:number element. I'll get to the bottom of this and fix it, but in the meantime if you change the number elements to text, the formatting will clean up for you.
  • Found the bug. It will be fixed in the next processor release (1.0.213). When that version makes its way into Zotero, you can shift back to using cs:number for those two elements.
  • Thanks a lot! Changing to text elements works great!

    Another issue (one of the minors I mentioned in the first post): I have now added options for citation and bibliography, but they don't validate. What am I missing? I guess, this time it's not a bug, but my mistake...
  • Your file has some CSL 0.8 options in it that have been commented out. Those won't validate because the syntax has changed. For the CSL 1.0 syntax, see the CSL 1.0 specification.
  • Fixed it. Thanks again!
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