Style Request: German Humanities
Hello all,
I am looking for a citation style used frequently in German Humanities. It goes along the lines of 'tah Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften', but with a few tweaks, to make it even more distinguishable from MLA citing.
I know this is a lot to ask, but there are very few German citation styles available, especially for the humanities, which probably keeps people from using Zotero, which is a shame.
Anyway: It's a note-style.
- the first note (footnote, endnote) is a full citation, after this first citation, if the work is cited again, it is done solely with: Last name Year, S. 234.
(not: Last name: "Full Title")
- there is a full bibliography, which contains the exact same information as the first mention of the work in the note
- no quotation marks are used around the title of the article or book
- author, followed by colon: Last name, First name:
-- multiple author up to three: Last name, first name, first name last name und first name last name: Wimmer, Magda, Aldo Venturelli und Rosmarie Zeller:
-- more than three authors: Last name, first name u.a.:
- editor: Last name, first name (Hg.):
--- multiple editors as multiple authors, followed by (Hg.):
- the title of the article / book is followed by a full stop.
- if the article is from a journal / book, the full stop is followed with 'In:' and Title of said Journal / Book, not editors: In: Musil an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert.
(basically it is necessary to switch Editors and Title, and this is one of the things I keep screwing up when trying).
- if the article is from a book, this is then followed by the editors: In: Musil an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Marie-Louise Roth und Pierre Béhar.
- if this book is one certain volume, the volume number follows the title after a comma, 'Bd. 8': In: Robert Musil. Gesammelte Werke in neun Bänden, Bd. 8. Hrsg. v. Adolf Frisé.
- Journal citation is: In: Journal Title 24 (Year).
- simple location and year afterwards, no publisher; should the book belong to a series, it is added in brackets after the date: Bern 2005 (=Musiliana 10).
- Page reference (if article or book section) follows this full stop and also ends with a full stop: S. 13 - 18.
(Journal article)
Venturelli, Aldo: Die Kunst als fröhliche Wissenschaft. Zum Verhältnis Musils zu Nietzsche. In: Nietzsche-Studien 9 (1980). S. 302 – 337.
Wimmer, Magda: So wirklich ist die Möglichkeit. Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Musil und Niklas Luhmann im Vergleich. Frankfurt a. M. 1998.
(Book article)
Musil, Robert: Der mathematische Mensch. In: Robert Musil. Gesammelte Werke in neun Bänden, Bd. 8. Hrsg. v. Adolf Frisé. Reinbek beim Hamburg 1978. S. 1004 – 1008.
(Book article)
Zeller, Rosmarie: Musils künstlerische Lösungen zur Darstellung der Krise des Wertsystems und der Ideologie in der Moderne. In: Musil an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Marie-Louise Roth und Pierre Béhar. Bern 2005 (=Musiliana 10). S. 55 – 78.
Chomsky, Noam: America in Decline. URL = [24.07.2011].
I've looked through the style repositories, and the closest in my opinion seems to be 'tah Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften'. However, I am too inexperienced in CSL to edit it accordingly, at some point, it gets screwed up. I would really appreciate help. Or maybe there is a style I have overlooked that resembles the one described..?
I am looking for a citation style used frequently in German Humanities. It goes along the lines of 'tah Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften', but with a few tweaks, to make it even more distinguishable from MLA citing.
I know this is a lot to ask, but there are very few German citation styles available, especially for the humanities, which probably keeps people from using Zotero, which is a shame.
Anyway: It's a note-style.
- the first note (footnote, endnote) is a full citation, after this first citation, if the work is cited again, it is done solely with: Last name Year, S. 234.
(not: Last name: "Full Title")
- there is a full bibliography, which contains the exact same information as the first mention of the work in the note
- no quotation marks are used around the title of the article or book
- author, followed by colon: Last name, First name:
-- multiple author up to three: Last name, first name, first name last name und first name last name: Wimmer, Magda, Aldo Venturelli und Rosmarie Zeller:
-- more than three authors: Last name, first name u.a.:
- editor: Last name, first name (Hg.):
--- multiple editors as multiple authors, followed by (Hg.):
- the title of the article / book is followed by a full stop.
- if the article is from a journal / book, the full stop is followed with 'In:' and Title of said Journal / Book, not editors: In: Musil an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert.
(basically it is necessary to switch Editors and Title, and this is one of the things I keep screwing up when trying).
- if the article is from a book, this is then followed by the editors: In: Musil an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Marie-Louise Roth und Pierre Béhar.
- if this book is one certain volume, the volume number follows the title after a comma, 'Bd. 8': In: Robert Musil. Gesammelte Werke in neun Bänden, Bd. 8. Hrsg. v. Adolf Frisé.
- Journal citation is: In: Journal Title 24 (Year).
- simple location and year afterwards, no publisher; should the book belong to a series, it is added in brackets after the date: Bern 2005 (=Musiliana 10).
- Page reference (if article or book section) follows this full stop and also ends with a full stop: S. 13 - 18.
(Journal article)
Venturelli, Aldo: Die Kunst als fröhliche Wissenschaft. Zum Verhältnis Musils zu Nietzsche. In: Nietzsche-Studien 9 (1980). S. 302 – 337.
Wimmer, Magda: So wirklich ist die Möglichkeit. Friedrich Nietzsche, Robert Musil und Niklas Luhmann im Vergleich. Frankfurt a. M. 1998.
(Book article)
Musil, Robert: Der mathematische Mensch. In: Robert Musil. Gesammelte Werke in neun Bänden, Bd. 8. Hrsg. v. Adolf Frisé. Reinbek beim Hamburg 1978. S. 1004 – 1008.
(Book article)
Zeller, Rosmarie: Musils künstlerische Lösungen zur Darstellung der Krise des Wertsystems und der Ideologie in der Moderne. In: Musil an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. v. Marie-Louise Roth und Pierre Béhar. Bern 2005 (=Musiliana 10). S. 55 – 78.
Chomsky, Noam: America in Decline. URL = [24.07.2011].
I've looked through the style repositories, and the closest in my opinion seems to be 'tah Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften'. However, I am too inexperienced in CSL to edit it accordingly, at some point, it gets screwed up. I would really appreciate help. Or maybe there is a style I have overlooked that resembles the one described..?
any way you could be more explicit about that? I'd like to have an online style guide and I'd also like to know what exactly I'm spending my time on. I'm much more inclined to prioritize a style for, say, Journals published by a given publisher or (at least) an important book series than a style according to the whims of Lehrstuhl XY.
Sure, for instance this citation style is used by the journal 'Kritische Ausgabe', that focuses on German literature and cultural theory.
Their style sheet is available here:
Duhamel, Roland: Nietzsches Zarathustra, Mystiker des Nihilismus. Eine Interpretation von Friedrich Nietzsches „Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen“. Würzburg 1991. .
Looking over, I realize this second full stop appears when the series and series number is missing, which would for instance follow the location and year in brackets:
Duhamel, Roland: Nietzsches Zarathustra, Mystiker des Nihilismus. Eine Interpretation von Friedrich Nietzsches „Also sprach Zarathustra. Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen“. Würzburg 1991 (Nietzsche in der Diskussion 1).
This also seems to happen with book items that don't have a series specified:
Bernhard, Thomas: Alte Meister. Komödie. Frankfurt a.M. 2007. .
Otherwise, it looks great. The journal articles and book articles appear correctly.
I am extremely greatful for your work, thank you very much indeed!
There still seems to be a problem with integration of the series and series number, basically it doesn't show up. What is typed in the field 'volume' will show up, '# of volumes' won't however.
de Angelis, Enrico: Musils Zarathustra. In: Nietzsche nach dem ersten Weltkrieg. Hrsg. v. Sandra Barbera/ Renate Müller-Buck. erster Bd. Pisa 2007. S. 89 - 111.
should be:
de Angelis, Enrico: Musils Zarathustra. In: Nietzsche nach dem ersten Weltkrieg, Bd 1. Hrsg. v. Sandra Barbera und Renate Müller-Buck. Pisa 2007 (nietzscheana 9). S. 89 - 111.
The only other thing I noticed, was that the second citation doesn't need the first names of the author
instead of:
de Angelis, Enrico: Musils Zarathustra[wie Anm. 1]
de Angelis: Musils Zarathustra [wie Anm. 1]
I'm really looking forward to my next paper now... thank you so much for all your work.
They use first names for subsequent citations:
20 Piatti, Barbara: Tells Theater [wie Anm. 18], S. 211.
They use written out numbers for volumes:
21 Alt, Peter-Andre: Schiller. Leben - Werk - Zeit. Zweiter Band. München 2000.
And they don't refer to series.
I'll fix the couple of errors (capitalization and space before [wie Anm.] asap.
Sorry, I was just browsing their articles when I wrote the last comment, I didn't check the style sheet.
Many thanks for all the work, again.
Simmel, Georg: Über räumliche Projektionen sozialer Formen. In: Raumtheorie. Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften. Hrsg. v. Jörg Dünne/ Stephan Günzel. Frankfurt a. M. 2006. S. 304 - 316.
Otherwise, it looks ready to go.
Augé, Marc: Von den Orten zu den Nicht-Orten. In: Orte und Nicht-Orte. Vorüberlegungen zu einer Ethnologie der Einsamkeit Frankfurt a. M. 1994. S. 90 – 135; hier: S. 108.
This doesn't seem to happen if there is an editor:
Bourdieu, Pierre: Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Raumtheorie. Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften. Hrsg. v. Jörg Dünne/Stephan Günzel. Frankfurt a. M. 2006. S. 354 - 368; hier: S. 23.
Sometimes the full stop at the end of a citation does not appear, I have the impression, this happens when the title is repeated in abbreviated form:
Knoch, Habbo: Das Grandhotel [wie Anm. 6], S. 131
And I was wondering about the spaces and slashes. If there are only two authors, it's no problem, but it starts to look weird (especially when justified), if there are more -> as if those names closest to each other - so before and after the slash - are the things that actually belong together:
Geisthövel, Alexa/Jensen, Uffa/Knoch, Habbo/u. a.: Erlebte Welten. Erfahrungsräume der Moderne. In: Orte der Moderne. Erfahrungswelten des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Hrsg. v. Alexa Geisthövel/Habbo Knoch. Frankfurt a. M., New York 2005. S. 355 - 368; hier: S. 362.
The style sheet says to separate with slashes, but doesn't specify if there should be spaces in between, as you already said.
Well, it's not really important and you have done so much work already - thank you once more!
As for the Slashes - if you can find a consistent pattern in their published articles this isn't hard to change, but best I could tell they never use spaces between authors - I've found that to be the norm for German citation styles.
The slash before u.a. is a bit unfortunate, right now that's not possible to change, with the next update of csl we can take that out.
Found one little mistake -> Hg. should be capitalized.
'Hrsg. v.'
Und ich habe noch einen kleinen Fehler ähnlicher Art gefunden; wenn Hrsg. und Übers. unterschiedliche Personen sind, werden sie aneinandergereiht, nur fehlt dazwischen eine Leerstelle.
Lacan, Jacques: Das Spiegelstadium als Bildner der Ichfunktion wie sie uns in der psychoanalytischen Erfahrung erscheint. In: Jacques Lacan. Schriften I. Hrsg. v. Norbert Haas.Übers. v. Peter Stehlin. Weinheim, Berlin 1986. S. 61 - 70; hier: S. 64.