[Zotero] BibTex import

Dear Developers,

Many thanks for your great work on zotero, especially on your work on BibTex import/ export.

If I may suggest improvements:

* with csl 1.0 it is now possible to put italics in title (working
very well with openoffice) and wich is very useful for life science
references. Could it be possible to implement in your BiBtex plugin
conversion of \textit{.............. } in <i>..............<\i> ?

(Or Even better: enable rich text editor (same one as in note) in fields such as title and abstract)

* Because I had a life before zotero (and still have) with bibtex and latex, it would be great to import/export the bibtex key and store it in a new zotero field or an existing one such as callNumber (and preventing zotero autoformat key which remain useful to use if none other key are set). It will realy ease work with latex and do not destroy compatibility with old bibtex and latex files.

* option to import links on file rather than file copy

Frankly with these features it will make me possible to maintain
only one bibliographic recording in zotero, and saving time to manage back and
force one bibtex file and zotero recording.

I know it look like a Christmas's wish list, but as I'm not very
familiar with development in zotero.

Many thanks for your work and MANY MANY THANKS if you could find time
to consider and implement such features

best regards
  • * with csl 1.0 it is now possible to put italics in title (working
    very well with openoffice) and wich is very useful for life science
    references. Could it be possible to implement in your BiBtex plugin
    conversion of \textit{.............. } in ..............<\i> ?
    I think this could be done. I'll look into it.

    The other features have been requested quite frequently on the forums; citation keys will probably be maintained in a future release, but the details haven't been worked out. The latter is hard, because there's no way to specify the preference.
  • thanks for your answer. great for italic

    Any idea if citation key will be part of zotero 3 ?

  • @ajlyon,

    by chance, did you have time to look at italic Zotero/Bibtex of \textit{.............. } in ..............<\i> ?

  • I've added this to the issue tracker for translators, and I hope to tackle it once we sort out an issue that just came up today with BibTeX import.

    Follow it here, if you like: https://github.com/zotero/translators/issues/39
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