Zotero.dotm is loaded - but no Zotero Plugin in Word

edited September 14, 2022
Hi all,

I have a problem with the word plugin of zotero. It is enabled in zotero. The zotero.dotm file is loaded when starting Word (I disabled macros and saw that zotero.dotm was blocked).
I basically follwowed the advice here: https://www.zotero.org/support/word_processor_plugin_troubleshooting#zotero_tab_does_not_appear_in_the_word_ribbon
So, there it ends with "If the Zotero tab is still not present after these steps, go back into the Trust Center Settings, open the “Macro Settings” pane, and select “Disable all macros with notification”. Restart Word and see if you get a notification asking for macro permissions. "

What shall I do next, when there is still no Zotero ribbon in Word, although zotero.dotm seems to be loadeded?

Has anyone experienced the same problem?

Thanx in advance

P.S.: I am having Windows 10, Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016, Zotero 6.0.13 on a Lenovo Thinkpad
  • Read the section directly below the one you linked and make sure Word startup folder is set as a trusted location.
  • Thanx adomasven!

    The startup folder was already a trusted location.

    I just realized that I can also manually start the zotero macros, but still no zotero ribbon.
  • I'm afraid we're out of ideas for suggestions. Something in your system configuration is blocking macros from running in Word. This could be administrative policy, some config option in Word, or even a Word bug. We've recently had an uptick in reports of such issues with no changes on our part, which would suggest some update from Microsoft causing this. You may try creating a new user account and seeing if it works there. Otherwise try to troubleshoot this with Microsoft support.
  • Thankx, adomasven.

    This is also helpful. At least I know that I can stop searching for a solution on the zotero side!
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