How to free up storage space?


I kept deleting files today in my Zotero library (and emptied the trash) and checked from time to time if this displays on my available storage space - but not at all!

Sometimes I could see slight changes in storage capacity, but overall it even reduced. There wasn't any logic to it, I kept deleting files, but I didn't gain any storage space.

Why is this so? What should I do?

  • Likely a bit of a misunderstanding. The storage limit is solely online. You can store as much as you want locally — e.g., you could have 10 gigabytes of files locally and it would still show 2 GB online, so deleting 5 GB of files locally wouldn't show any change online. It's not until you delete enough so that your total local usage is less than your online quota, and then sync (and possibly wait a few seconds), that you'll see it go below the quota.
  • This makes sense, I have an online storage space of 2 GB and I just checked the size of my zotero folder on the hard drive and it is indeed much bigger (3,6 GB).
    Thank you!

  • @dstillman -- this comes up frequently enough to probably warrant a kb entry separate from the storage documentation?
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