iOS: Can't download PDFs

This discussion was created from comments split from: Announcing Zotero 6 and Zotero for iOS.
  • Fantastic! But I find an issue, although I sync successfully in my pc, I can’t download pdfs in my ipad.
  • Can you open the file in your online library?

    If so, can you provide a Debug ID from the iOS app for trying to open the file?

    If not, the problem is on your computer, and you should see Files Not Syncing.
  • I have addressed this issue by using WebDAV! Thank you so much for your work!
  • Are you saying you used WebDAV instead of Zotero Storage? Because that's certainly not necessary — the app obviously supports Zotero Storage.

    If you're having trouble opening a file on iOS that's accessible in your Zotero online library, again, we'd want to see a Debug ID for that.
  • Sorry, it is my problem, I use a third-party cloud service to sync my files before, so when I switch to it, it works!
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