Zotero does not have the permission to control Word


I am using
MS Word for MAC 16.57 (2019) and
Zotero and
iOS Monterey 12.1

(I don't get a report number)

My Word is installed in German and if I try to follow the prompt to solve the problem that Zotero has not the permission to control word, I can only open Sytemeinstellungen but then I only have: "Sicherheit" or "Langsame und deaktivierte Add-Ins" or "Datenschutz" ..... there is no way to follow the prompt.....

The prompt would have said:
1. öffnen sie die Systemeinstellungen
2. klicken sie auf Sicherheit und Privatsphäre
3. wählen sie die Registerkarte Privatsphäre
4. finden und wählen sie Automatisierung
5. aktivieren sie das Kontrollkästchen für Microsoft Word unter Zotero
6. word neu starten

what do I have to do ?

Thank you for help!

  • Are you looking in MacOS System Settings or in Word? The translation may not be accurate, German translation is done by community members, but you should still be able to find the options with similar names.
  • Hi, thank you for your answer. I tried both....I did not manage yesterday, I got nervous because of time pressure. Thanks to your comment I tried again today and I made a foto yesterday with the clear english instruction I found for the installation moment. and this helped me too, following word by word. I give it to you, maybe it helps others as well:

    System Preferences in MAC OS:
    1. Security & Privacy
    2. Privacy (Datenschutz!)
    3. Automation (on the left)
    4. check the checkbox for Microsoft Word under Zotero (on the right)
    5. Restart word

    Great that you were there, thank you! And I will no never forget how important it is to stay calm and follow instructions word by word ;-)
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