Bibliography numbering not updated after removing citations

This discussion was created from comments split from: uncited entry in bibliography.
  • Hi, I just removed some unwanted citations from my Bibliography (that do not appear to be called anywhere in the body of the text), but after I do this, refresh does NOT update the numbering on the subsequent citations. Any thoughts?
  • (Please start new threads for new issues — the thread you posted to was years old and about a different issue. I've moved this to a new thread.)

    How exactly are you removing entries from the bibliography?
  • In the Zotero tab on Word, I am clicking on the Add/Edit Bibliography icon, and then going to the "References in Bibliography" box and removing the 2 uncited citations by clicking on them and clicking on the left-facing green arrow. This does indeed remove these citations from the Bibliography in my manuscript, but the numbering of the subsequent citations does not update even if I click Refresh.
  • You have to manually remove the cited items from text. Removing them with the bibliography editor only removes them from the Bibliography, but not from where you cited them in the body of the text.
  • They are not cited in the body of the text. That's the problem. They must be cited somewhere in the hidden field codes. I can display the field codes and look at them, but they are SO extensive that I can't narrow down where the problem lies.
  • You can narrow down where the field codes are based on the numbers, though -- i.e. hidden [2] would be between [1] and [3] etc.

    One thing to try before is to click "Refresh" and when Zotero asks you about changed citations, click "No" -- that should make the deleted references re-appear. May also be worthwhile to see if switching citation styles and back helps.
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I did get it figured out, although refreshing and switching citation styles back and forth did not help. In the end, I just scrolled very slowly down through pages and pages of field codes and found where the extraneous citations were
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