Report ID: 405998660

Please, the Zotero bar does not open in my Word document. It keeps happening all the time. I followed the troubleshooting steps, but the problem continues.

  • Does this happen in a new, empty document?

    What exactly is the problem you're experiencing? See Steps to Reproduce.
  • Thank you for your reply.

    This problem keeps happening all the time. I have quite extensive written work on Word, and it has lots of references.

    So, from time to time, when I click on the Zotero Booton in the Word software, it does not open the insertion window and pops out the following message: "Zotero experienced an error updating your document. Would you like to view troubleshooting instructions?"

    After some time, after turning out and on my computer, it comes back to normal ... but it does not keep working for very long.

    I also receive this ID again: 50841738

    I'd appreciate it if you could help me with that and I need to use my reference as soon as possible.

    Thank you very much!
  • Make sure your document is not stored on One Drive and if it is, that it its name does not contain any space " " symbols.
  • Thank you very much. In fact, it is stored there. I will do as you say and see what happens. Best regards!
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