citation does not work

my document has now approximately 1287 citations. Now, ı try to cite a new one; but the program does not answer. the citation stays as {citation} and does not follow the next step. is it because the number of citations? i am afraid i cannot study further on this document. pls help me asap?
  • Could you submit a Report ID? What version of Word (full version number) are you using? See debugging broken documents.
  • I think the program does not see this as a problem so it does not propose me a report ıd. when i add a citation, it opens the reference and select; then to add it to the word, it is still processing and it does not answer. the version of Word: "Word for Mac 16.52(21080101)" i checked that it is the updated version.
  • I duplicate the file and try to add a citation, but i am afraid it is still processing in this new copied file. trying to delete and reload the zotero? is it a good solution?
  • I thought you were on Windows. Mac Word is generally quite slow with small docs and few citations, but with your number of citations and presumably comparably large doc, you'll have issues that are not entirely addressable on our end. Your best bet is to either split the document into multiple chapters and work on them separately and recombine in the end, or use a computer that runs Windows (or even a Virtual Machine on your Mac) when working on this document with Zotero.
  • As your advise, i split the document into multiple chapters. just for now it seems to be working, at least it adds more citations. thank you for breaking this deadlock. all the best, NS
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