Sort order for 'rights' field inweblibrary and desktop client
I use the ‚rights‘-field for storing custom call numbers. The sort order of this field differs between the Zotero windows client and the web library. For example, the sort order in the client is 1000.1, 1000.2, 1000.10 whereas the web library returns 1000.1, 1000.10, 1000.2.
A consistent behaviour would be appreciated.
A consistent behaviour would be appreciated.
I searched previous forum posts and GitHub issues and the call-number sorting problem appears to be the same as the problem reported in web-library issue 445 and in this forum discussion, so I am posting here and will post in the GitHub issue too, although the field that I am reporting (Call Number field) is not the same as the field reported by the original post above (Rights field).
I notice that the ability to sort by call number in the web library is relatively recent, judging by the feature request "sort web library with call number" in March 2020, which was reported as implemented in November 2020. So perhaps the sorting was not implemented correctly, or has since broken?
@agsaez You can use column selector icon on the right to pick which columns appear in the web library. This preference (as well as order and width of each column) is stored in the browser - that's why it might differ between Chrome and Firefox.