Lose papers with notes after Moving C:\Users\*****MYNAME****\Zotero to another place

I tried moving C:\Users\*****MYNAME****\Zotero
to another place, and making a shortcut to the original folder.
When I open Zotero, it does not use the shortcut, but make a new folder with the same name ( Zotero)
So I remove the new folder which is created automatically and move the old folder back.
Opening Zotero, I can not find my dozens of read paper with tons of notes.
How can I find them back?
  • A shortcut as in a Windows shortcut? Absolutely don't do that.

    If you want to move your data directory, you can just point Zotero at the new location from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • Thx!
    I have followed your instruction but still can not load my papers (with lots of notes) into zotero.
    What file do I miss?
    Please see the pictures in :
  • edited April 19, 2021
    You did something wrong in the copying and ended up with an empty database (the ~1 MB zotero.sqlite file).

    Do this:

    - Immediately make backup copies of the zotero.sqlite.bak and zotero.sqlite.1.bak files.
    - Duplicate zotero.sqlite.bak (37 MB) and call it zotero.sqlite.new.
    - Close Zotero.
    - Delete zotero.sqlite and rename zotero.sqlite.new to zotero.sqlite, so that zotero.sqlite is 37 MB.
    - Restart Zotero.
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