Unable to add pdf when adding articles. Debug ID D982749203.

I'll go to the abstract page of an article (e.g. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/as.2004.44.1.43)
and try to save through the JSTOR translator (for this example) or from the PDF itself (through the PDF translator) but the pdf doesn't save and I get a red X next to it. Note that I am using my university's proxy while accessing these sites. What can I do to resolve this? I've tried the steps in troubleshooting translator issues guide but it hasn't resolved anything for me.
  • For JSTOR, make sure you've tried to manual view a PDF and accepted the JSTOR terms and conditions.

    If you can view PDFs manually and it's still not working, we'd want to see a Debug ID from Zotero rather than the connector for a save for which the PDF fails.
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