Importing additional information on Bibtex format using Zotero's web-importer


I'm Keiji Saito in Japan
Could you tell specification of Web importer of Zotero?

I have been making Lead2Amazon which is Amazon search system based on Amazon PA-API.
New feature of Lead2Amazon on April 6th can export bibtex format to Zotero and Mendeley by clicking or tapping.

The working flow is as follows:
(1)Lead2Amazon makes bibtex format of each product in Amazon dynamically.

(2)Web importer of Zotero import the bibtex format.

However, I have troubles to export Bibtex fields to Zotero.
Lead2Amazon can't export additional information to Zotero.

I would like to export additional information such as price, Worldcat URL, and so on.
However, the field name "annote/annotation/note/notes/extra" don't work.
Though I can export additional information using "abstract", the field is inappropriate for additional information.

Could you tell me how to import additional information to Zotero?
The Web importer of Zotero may need to be modified.
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