Viewing pdfs in Zotero

Hi there, I'm new to Zotero having recently abandoned Mendeley after the latest Mac upgrade. I have successfully managed to import my Mendeley library, but every time I click on an article I want to read, it sends me to the link online. I thought I would be able to view the articles as pdfs. Linking to it online is not convenient as whatever website it is then requires me to log in and download the pdf again. I've spent 3 years building up a library in Mendeley, with all pdfs downloaded - how can I view these pdfs in Zotero? Help please!
  • How did you import?

    Assuming you used Zotero's Mendeley importer, first, make sure you're using the Zotero beta and have enabled the new PDF reader, and make sure you've run the import process using the Zotero beta so that your Mendeley annotations show up in Zotero.

    That wouldn't be the issue here, though. If it's taking you to the web when you double-click, it just means there's no file attachment under the item — you can expand parent items in the items list to see whether there are attachments.

    If there's no attachment, there was likely no file linked in Mendeley before you imported, and you'd need to fix that in Mendeley before importing. (Reimporting won't duplicate your data, as long as you used the importer originally.)
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