Style Request: VAIGS Dissertation Style

Hi, I need to follow a specific endnote style for my dissertation references, but I normally use Zotero. This is a link to download the endnote style if that helps (Dissertation EndNote Style Template).

Here are the written specifications for the style:

-Call out references in the text as (author year), not as superscript numbers. Callouts in this form that are identical are distinguished by adding lower-case letters to the year, in the order the citations are found in the bibliography. This shows the form for in-text callouts of multiple references at the end of a sentence, assuming there are two different “Robinson 2002” articles (Ma and Wang 2014; Scholten et al. 2014; Miranti 2002; Robinson et al. 2002a, 2002b).

-The bibliography is ordered alphabetically by first-author name. If the first author for two references is identical, the citation with the earliest year comes first; if the year is also identical, next arrange alphabetically by remaining author names.

- Use both initials of authors if both are provided in the article’s author list. Only the first author’s name is inverted. List only 10 author names; if there are more, use “et al.” after the first 10.

-Show article titles in full (i.e., including any subtitle following a dash, colon, or part numeral). Format titles using sentence-style capitalization.

- Show journal names and book titles in full and set them in italic. Cite both journal volume and issue numbers; do not truncate page ranges.

Please help if you can, I would really appreciate it. If examples would help there are some in the link I posted above - if you download the Dissertation Specifications document they are on page 6. Thank you!

    Note also that the link above is restricted to your campus, so we can't access it
  • Ok, I didn't realize that. Here are the samples you give:

    In text citation:
    (Campbell and Pedersen 2007)
    (Mares 2001)
    Cited together would be:
    (Campbell and Pedersen 2007; Mares 2001)

    Campbell, J.L., and O.K. Pedersen. 2007. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40(3): 307-332.
    (Journal title should be italics)
    Mares, I. 2001. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?. In Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage, P. A. Hall and D. Soskice, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 184-213.
    (Book title should be italics)

    Is this sufficient? I can email you the endnote style if that is helpful. Here are the examples that are given in the campus restricted document:

    Journal articles (Journal title should be italics)

    Ma, J., and F. Wang. 2014. Prion disease and the "protein-only hypothesis". Essays in Biochemistry 56: 181–191.

    Scholten, D.J., II, C.M. Timmer, J. Peacock, D.W. Pelle, B. Williams, and M.R. Steensma. 2014. Down-regulation of Wnt signaling mitigates hypoxia-induced chemoresistance in human osteosarcoma cells. PLoS One 9(10): e111431.

    Journal article with more than 10 coauthors (Journal title should be italics)

    Robinson, W., C. DiGennaro, W. Hueber, B. Haab, M. Kamachi, E.J. Dean, S. Fournel, D. Fong, M.C. Genovese, H.E. Neuman de Vegvar, et al. 2002. Autoantigen microarrays for multiplex characterization of autoantibody responses. Nature Medicine 8(3): 295–301.

    Book chapter (Book title should be italics)

    Miranti, C. 2002. Application of cell adhesion to study signaling networks. In Methods in Cell Matrix Adhesion, J.C. Adams, ed. Methods in Cell Biology series, Vol. 69. San Diego: Academic Press, pp. 359–383.

    Reference callout formats

    This shows the form for in-text callouts of multiple references at the end of a sentence, assuming there are two different “Robinson 2002” articles (Ma and Wang 2014; Scholten et al. 2014; Miranti 2002; Robinson et al. 2002a, 2002b).

    Thank you!
  • Check on the following four styles, all of which shoudl be pretty close -- I don't think any of them does the et al quite right, but that's an easy fix:
    Australian Archaeology
    The Accounting Review
    Ecology and Society
    Conservation & Society

    I think the last two look best
  • The Accounting Review looks best to me for the journal articles and in text citations. The book chapter format isn't quite right, but I don't think I site any books so that should be ok, if I do I can change by hand. I wasn't sure about the 10 author rule based on the examples. The dissertation editor is very hung up on this point, for articles with more than 10 authors you just list 10 authors. Is this possible? Thank you!
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