PDF Assistance

I am not sure if Zotero is working correctly for me. I have a Google Chromebook and followed all these directions, so I have access to the web and downloaded version on my computer. It worked the first day, the second day it did not and now it is back working - thankfully! It is very wonky though - meaning it will work off and on which is quite frustrating.

All that to say, does anyone know what I can do to change the file information for a PDF. When I upload a PDF I only have the ability to make changes to the information on the right through the downloaded version and not the web version (which is a bummer). But, it only gives me access to just a limited amount of information that I can change. Everything from author, abstract, date, short title, etc., does not show up. Can anyone assist?
  • right-click --> Create Parent item unless I'm misunderstanding the question
  • edited January 15, 2021
    Wow! That was fast and helpful! Thank you so much! I am new to Zotero and was getting frustrated after going through all the buttons. I appreciate your quick response!
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