Messed up with syncing from Dropbox to Zotero

To give an overview, I changed the Data Directory Location to store in Dropbox instead of changing the Linked Attachment Base Directory to Dropbox. Is there a way to transfer all my saved files and have them be linked attachments in Dropbox without having to do this manually (as in uploading each article one by one and linking them)?
Thanks in advance for any help!
  • First, make sure you've moved your data directory back to your local disk. It can't be in Dropbox.

    The Linked Attachment Base Directory doesn't affect where things are saved — it just affects whether linked-file attachments use relative or absolute paths — so the fact that you didn't set it sooner doesn't make a difference. You can use the ZotFile plugin to convert attachments to linked files in the location you specify (which should generally be the same as your Linked Attachment Base Directory so you can access the files at different locations on different computers).
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