Sync: In Web Library less or more items than localy on computer, but never equal.

Dear all,

I tried to sync the files from my local computer library to web library.
Every time, the numbers do not match.

I have a group folder with 2697 items. I want it to be synchronized to the web library.

With the first attempt, it showed to me 2785 items.

Then I created one more group folder, where placed exactly 2697 items. After sync, the web-library showed to me 2504 items.

I created one more group folder, again with my 267 items. After sync, it shows 2804 items.

I checked the settings:Preferences -> Sync. All check boxes are checked: both in Data Syncing and in File Syncing.

What could be the reason of this problem?
  • edited August 25, 2020
    See Changes Not Syncing.

    If you think something isn't syncing, you'd want to sort both by the same column and compare the results to determine exactly what it was, and then investigate further. (There might be a few differences in sorting, so search as well if you think something isn't there.) Just going by the counts isn't particularly useful.
  • But, obviously, Zotero doesn't just create new items during syncing, so if you have 2697 locally and 2785 remotely after syncing, there's just something about the count that's off, it's counting items in the trash, or something like that.
  • Hi dstillman,

    Thanks for your prompt response!

    Hm, comparing almost 3000 articles by sorting would be a bit too much.

    What I think might have happened in the first case is that I deleted some dublicates in my local library from that folder. However, the web library does not "see" that they are deleted.

    In the second case (when there is less 2504 articles instead of 2697), I discovered that there are errors. In them, Zotero added a filed with editors to journal articles probably, from the OVID search that I imported to Zotero through .ris file).

    I am trying to go from one article to another to shorten that field, but no success till now.
  • If you're getting any sort of sync error — indicated by an error icon to the left of the sync icon, which you can click on for more information — that could prevent some changes from being synced. I suspect that's all you're seeing here. When a sync completes successfully, items moved to the trash are transferred just like anything else.

    If you can reproduce a specific change not being transferred on the next sync after you make that change, we'd want the sort of debugging information requested on the linked page.
  • Hi dstillman,

    I tried to shorten or delete the "editor" and "issue" fields in the items that are shown in the error messages. However, they are still not synced.

    Just for an example:
  • As long as you're getting the error, you haven't shortened them. Note that the items may be in the trash.
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